Monday, June 10, 2013

Summer Opening Social

Hello to all the current and brand new Youth Council Members!
New Youth Council Members, you will be receiving a letter from Mayor Smith in the mail letting you know that you have been accepted into the Draper Mayor’s Youth Council.  These letters are being mailed out tomorrow.
We have an upcoming activity that I wanted to make sure you put on your calendar.  This activity will be a get-to-know-each-other party, so please make sure you can come.  We will be having a cook-out dinner and we have some fun things planned.
  •  Date:  Wednesday, June 19, 2013
  • Time:  6:30-8:30 pm
  • Location:  Draper City Park, South Pavilion
  • Bring:  Fruit, Salad, Side Dish (Main Dish, Chips & Dessert provided) 

Also, add to your calendar the following events:  (more information at the meeting)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dress for Legislature Day

"Sunday dress" is appropriate for Legislature Day.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Link for the Draper City Youth Council Application

Draper Youth Council applications can be obtained at the city hall or online at

Required for Canyons School for Legislature Day

The following Canyons School Distric students are signed up to go to Legislature Day(there are others, but this is just a message for Canyons):
1. Austin Wood/Beatriz Vega-Huerta

2. Kaylee Lavery

3. Sara Wilcox

4. Kayla Atkisson
1. Taylor Staley

2. Levi Wilks

Susan Edwards of the District has asked the following:

We are working on excusing all of the students on Wednesday, without their parents having to contact the schools. However, our Risk Management has made a request that has not previously been made. They need a note signed by each parent that says:

“I understand the school district will not be providing transportation to the Youth Council event on January 26, 2011 and that my child will be riding with _____________________________.”

Is it possible to have this filled out prior to Wednesday? You may even ask each parent to send a handwritten note with on that day. Thank you!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Update on Legislature Day

Greg Hughes will be giving us a tour of the capitol at 2:30 p.m.,
so plan on arriving home at 5 or 5:30 p.m.

Don't forget to put in an application for DYC next year, and tell your friends!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

More Info on Legislature Day

Registered Attendees
1. Taylor Staley
2. Tyler Lewis
3. Levi Wilks
4. Maddy Anderson
5. Austin Woods
6. Beatriz (Woods)
7. Kalyee Lavery
8. Amanda Rasmussen
9. Morgan Fox
10. Carson Adams
11. Sara Wilcox

These Attendees will need to meet at City Hall on January 26 at 6:30am in order to arrive at the Sheraton Hotel for the 7am check-in and breakfast for the Youth Council portion of Legislature Day. We will all be able to ride in the Draper City Van to and from the conference. We will spend the entire day at the Sheraton Hotel, listening to speakers and attending workshops on personal and public finance. Lunch will be at 12:15pm and our city officials will join us then. We will listen to one more speaker after which we will either go home at 2:00pm (and return home at 3 p.m.) or head up to the capital for a tour (and return home around 5 p.m.) The tour depends on Greg Hughes’ availability in the afternoon. He usually does the tour with us on capitol hill in the mornings when he is not in meetings but since we are not going to the capitol, his assistant, Megan, is checking on the time. That is what I have for now. I will update you with the arrival home time based on what I hear from Greg Hughes’ assistant.
Thank you,
Stefania Wilks

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How to remove yourself from the blog!!!

I had someone ask how to remove themselves from this blog. This wasn't easy to figure out, so I thought I would post this for everyone.

You need to login to your account (username is probably the email address where you are receiving the posts.)
Go to Dashboard (link is in upper right-hand corner)
Then go to settings (link is right there)
Then switch to the Permissions tab (upper left corner)

Then you will see the option to remove yourself from the blog.

I hope this helps!