Sunday, June 29, 2008

Draper Days Rodeo Set-up


A Draper Days Committee member asked me to see if any of you fine, outstanding DYC members would be willing to help set up fences at the rodeo grounds Wednesday, July 16th at 7:30 am. Some strength required. I will be there as well. If you are able to assist, please let me know. I would prefer an e-mail at





Thursday, June 26, 2008

Car Show!

Hey everyone here is the list of people signed up to help with the car show: Robby, Josh, Gilly, Amanda, Sam A., Stevi, Tyler R. If you signed up and can not make it please notify Amanda and Robby also if you are not signed up and you would like to help out email or call Robby. We are going to have a blast! Thanks! -Amanda.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

June 24 Attendance

Hey sorry Brandon this was my mistake Tricia was excused. Amanda

Out of town

Hey guys! This is Brandon, and I just wanted to let you know that i will be out o' town the 1st, 8th, and 15th of July. I hope you guys have a great time at the meetings without me!

June 24th attendance-again-again

I forgot to list Ashlee Smith and Ashley Parker as unexcused absences. Also, I have received notice that Samatha Wright is excused. Thanks!

June 24th attendance-again

Apparantly Emma and Tricia are excused, but everyone else that I put as unexcused in the first attendance is still unexcused unless they contact me. Brandon.

June 24th attendance

I have Austin, Braden, Emma, Samantha Wright, Sara, and Tricia as unexcused absences. If I am wrong, please contact me at As for the rest of you......SHOW UP!!!! Either that or contact Amanda and me, Brandon, to tell us that you wont be there!

Mayor Pro Tem!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Car Show Service Project

We need as many people as we can get to help at the Car Show on Saturday. If you can help, please contact Robby who is the chairperson for this event or one of the advisors.

This event is from 9-5 on Saturday and you can sign up for two hour shifts to be there to help out. Ardell Brown's RV is the place - 865 E. 12000 S. This will count toward your service hours. Unless you have a pressing engagement, you should plan on being there!

June 24th Meeting (tonight!)

We are meeting tonight from 5:45 to 6:45. Make sure to email Brandon and Amanda if you are unable to attend! See you tonight!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Officers Sworn In

The officers were sworn in at the City Council Meeting on June 17th. From left to right: Amanda Maylett - Mayor, Marie Johnson - Secretary, Madison Carsey – Public Information Officer, Sierra Maughan - Historian, Clark Morley – City Council, Tricia Meldrum – City Council, Gilly Olsen – City Council, and Emma Walker – City Council. Brandon Smith,Mayor Pro Tem, was unable to attend this City Council Meeting, but will be sworn in on July 1st.

They are now official! Congratulations!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 10 Attendence

Katie was at the meeting last week (I was told), Kim was not there. Also Katie will not be at the meeting tonight. Sorry for the confusion.
(Brandon I hope you got that email)

Meeting Tonight!

Tonight we will be meeting from 5:45 to 6:45. Those of you who didn't attend orientation last week there is a make-up orientation tonight at 5:30 to 5:45. ALSO those of you who are officers, tonight you will be sworn in at the city council meeting. See posts below for details! See you tonight!

Friday, June 13, 2008

New Attendance

I have updated the role and now I only have Robby, Katie, Whitney (not whitney gardner), and Ryan. Have fun on Tuesday!!


The attendance blog was by Brandon, just so you know.


so far I have Robby, Katie, Krystle, Lance, Josh, Tyler, Kim, Whitney, Ryan and Nicole as unexcused absences. If I am wrong I am sorry! Please let me know and I will correct it as soon as I can. I also wont be there on the 17th, sorry! I'll be at EFY.


I cant wait to see everyone Tuesday for swearing-in!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Officer Swearing-In Ceremony June 17

Amanda, Brandon, Marie, Sierra, Madison, Tricia, Clark, Gilly and Emma, PLEASE make plans to attend the Officer Swearing in Ceremony at the next Draper CITY Council Meeting at 7:00 next Tuesday, June 17th.

Your parents are also invited and they should bring their cameras. The Draper City Recorder will be swearing you in, and giving you a certificate. There will be photo ops with the Mayor and City Council members as well.

RSVP by posting a comment to this post.

Make-Up Orientation & Attendance Policy

For anyone who missed on June 10th, there will be a make-up Orientation on Tuesday, June 17th from 5:30-5:45 in the Court Room in the basement of City Hall.

Please RSVP by posting a comment to this post.

New members-bring a parent.

Returning members-bring your binders and we'll replace your old info with the new Members' Guide.

IMPORTANT: If you are going to be absent, you MUST notify Mayor Amanda Maylett ( AND Mayor Pro Tem Brandon Smith ( in writing (by e-mail or by posting a comment on the blog) BEFORE the meeting starts.

Otherwise your absence will be unexcused. After three unexcused absences, you will no longer be eligible for scholarships, conferences, or fun outings, AND may be asked to leave the council.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Orientation Invitation

Monday, June 2, 2008

Officer Training

Officers! There is an officer's training on Wednesday, June 4th from 5:45-6:45 at the University of Utah Sandy campus in the computer lab. Click here to get the location and directions to the University of Utah building.

If you don't have a way to get there, DeLaina can meet at City Hall at 5:20 to take you there. Please call her and let her know if you need a ride.