Monday, July 21, 2008

Sergeant Patrick J. Evans

Congratulations to our DYC Advisor, Pat, on being promoted to the rank of Sergeant at the Draper Police Department!!! Way to go!!!

Safety Days Fair Sign-ups!!

We are requesting help for Draper Safety Days from 5-8 on Tuesday, August 5th at Draper Park.

There are two shifts, 5-6:30 and 6:30-8:00, and Emma and Gilly will be calling to make assignments. As assignments are filled, we will be posting them on the blog so you know what is available, so check back frequently.

The following help is needed for EACH shift, (unless you can stay for the entire time):

  • 6 face painters
  • 3 for the bouncers
  • 2 for McGruff
  • 8 for the Children’s games
  • 6 for the bike rodeo (which will require some advanced training)


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Children's Parade Feedback

We generally do a quick debriefing after every activity, and ask the following questions:

What worked well?

What could be improved?

Any suggestions on things we can do differently next year to make the activity any better?

Since we won’t be holding meetings for a couple of weeks, please weigh in by posting a comment on the blog, or you can e-mail the feedback to DeLaina at

DYC Meetings for the rest of JULY

Besides the rest of the Draper Days activities this week, the ONLY meeting left in July will be THURSDAY, JULY 31st, in the Court Room from 5:45-6:45.

City Councilwoman Stephanie Davis will be coming to do a presentation for our council, and it should be fantastic.

Please make note of the change of dates and as always, RSVP if you CAN'T be there so we can plan accordingly.

SO-NO DYC on 7/22 OR 7/29, but come on 7/31!!!

Free Games Booth

Hey everyone this is Tricia! if you didn't get my email I just wanted you to all know that I need 8-12 volunteers on Friday the eighteenth of July to help manage the free game booths from 6-9 if you can come but you have to leave early that is totally fine, but I really need to fill at least 8 spots please do me this HUGE, HUGE favor! Thanks.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Children's Parade - Mandatory Attendance!

This is a reminder that you are all needed at the Children’s Parade tomorrow night from 5:30 to 8:00 at the Park School.

Schedule of Events:

5:30 to 7:00 – Face painting, Bike decorating, Jugglers, Balloon people.

7:00 to 7:05 – Parade

7:05 – Magic Show

Those of you who signed up to be face painters, please let Amanda know that you will be there AND post to the blog under this post!

Attendance at this event is MANDATORY! Email Amanda if you will not be there.


For easy reference, here is the list of districts that everyone is in, and activities they're in charge of:

District #1 (Draper Days Friday Night 7/18 Game Staffing at Draper Park 6-9) *Tricia Meldrum, Lance Unwin, Katie Taylor, Kim Taylor, Robby McKell, Whitney Tripp, Justin Woodward, Samantha Wright

District #2 (Draper Days Children's Parade 7/15 5:30-8:00 Park School) *Clark Morley, Tyler Richardson, Madison Carsey, Ashley Parker, Austin Woodward, Marie Johnson, Miriam Rasmussen, Nicole Montgomery, Josh Herricks

District #3 *Gilly Olsen, Whitney Gardner, Ryan Jensen, Braden Packard, Jenessa Peterson, Shelbi Anderson, Amanda Maylett, Krystle Jensen, Carson Lund

District #4 (Battery Fundraiser) *Emma Walker, Tom Sicotte, Brandon Smith, Samantha Anderson, Stevi Udy, James Ogden, Sara Wilcox, Ashlee Smith, Sierra Maughan

*City Council Member

Friday, July 11, 2008

Children's Games Tent Set-up Assistance Needed

On Thursday, July 17th, the Draper Days Foundation (Katy Shell) could use assistance setting up tents at the Draper Park from 6:00 - 7:00 pm. These are the tents that will cover the games the DYC was planning on staffing. Please e-mail me at if you can attend.

Just a few people would be helpful... :)

Draper Rodeo Set-up Assistance Needed

On Wednesday, July 16th, the Draper Days Foundation and Draper PD could use help setting up fences at the Rodeo Grounds. The help is needed from 7:30 am - 9:30 am (or earlier). Please e-mail me at and let me know if you can attend.

Even a few helpers would be appreciated!


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

DYC Shirts!

Hey new DYC members!
We are getting shirts for all the new members, the council is paying for half so it will cost you $9.50. Our wonderful previous mayor Morgan is helping us with the arrangements! So try to get your money and shirt size to me as soon as possible! Thanks everyone I am so excited!!!  - Amanda

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

No Meeting July 8th!!!

Hey everyone don't forget there is no DYC meeting July 8th! The meeting after that (July 15th) is the childrens parade!!! YAY! It will be so fun so I hope everyone can come. : ) -AMANDA

Meeting Tonight!

Yes! We are meeting tonight as usual at 5:45 to 6:45. Please email Amanda or Brandon if you are unable to attend. See you tonight.