Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Meet the Candidate Night

Amanda and Brandon, can you look kinda snazzy tonight by dressing up a little bit? Everyone else, if you can wear your DYC shirts so that people can identify you as the organizers, that would b helpful. Thanks!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

October Activities

Please note the change in DAYS for the next couple of activities, and as always, if you can't make it, please let Amanda or Brandon know:


Weds. OCTOBER 22nd: Meet the Candidates Night 7-9 at City Hall
The Officers are in charge of staffing this event, and we would like to have everyone attend to help out. Amanda can you post the assignments for this activity?

Mon. OCTOBER 27th: Haunted Hollow 6-8 at Draper Historic Park behind the Park School
*Emma* is in charge of this activity and will be contacting you to sign up for shifts to help out.

This is a fun Halloween activity where you do crafts, tour the cemetery, eat donuts and drink cider, play games, and more. Each DYC youth will be helping out at a booth, and will also have an opportunity to participate in games and activities.


Tues. NOVEMBER 4th: Draper Youth Council PLANNING MEETING

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thanksgiving Point Activity

Hey everyone! We need to know how many people are going to be at our activity Tuesday (Thanksgiving Point). We will be transported in the city buses,  and we will leave at 5:30 and get back around 7. So if you can go let me AND your District Leader know ASAP! You can post it on the blog, text, or email me but I need to know right away! Also if you can wear your awesome DYC shirt. Thanks you guys rock!!! ---Amanda