Thursday, May 28, 2009

Community Garden this Tuesday

On Tuesday, June 2nd, we are meeting at City Hall at 5:45. After announcements, etc. we will walk over to the Community Garden. Please wear clothes you can get dirty, small gardening shovels for planting or even a big spoon, hoes will be needed for weeding and gloves (if you prefer). It would probably be good to bring a bottle of water to drink, too.

I will bring treats so you definitely want to be there! :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009


We will be holding our awards banquet next Tuesday, May 26th at the Asian Buffet from 5:00 to 6:45. Everyone is invited to be there, new and old members! Please dress up (Sunday dress) . Scholarships will be awarded and other fun awards too. Please note: We will NOT be going to the community garden.

After the banquet all of the old members will be going to City Hall to attend the President's Volunteer Service Awards Ceremony. This starts at 7:00 and is a BIG deal. Representative Greg Hughes will be present the awards and parents are invited. You do not want to miss this!

Washington D.C. Close-up Participants

City Hall 7:00-7:20 (everyone NOT going to DC can be seated in the meeting and someone can come and get the rest of us for the Awards ceremony when it starts. If it starts right at 7:00, we’ll do it afterwards.)

A PARENT must attend the DC meeting to sign paperwork/turn it in!!! (Brandon, Amanda, Sierra, Marie, Katie, Kim, Tyler, Lance, Josh, Madison, Lundy, Whitney, Jenessa, Nicole, Ashley P., Whitney T.)

Thanks for being flexible - this is a busy time of year for us. If you have any questions, please post them to the blog.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Tuesday, May 19th

Meeting will be held at city hall in the courtroom from 5:45 to 6:45.

We will be presenting some new youth chair appointed positions. All those who are interested in these positions can submit their top 3 preferences to be considered. Also we will be presenting a Memorial Day fundraiser opportunity and signing up volunteers. Don't miss out getting to know our new members! You never know what you might learn . . .

Let Brandon or Amanda know if you cannot attend. Remember that if you do not attend and you do not let Brandon or Amanda know before the meeting it will be considered an unexcused absence. Unexcused absences are bad! The first person to post the consequences to unexcused absences on the blog (this entry) will win a candy bar of their choice.

See you on Tuesday!

Monday, May 11, 2009

DYC Does Boondocks!!!

For Tuesday, May 12th, meet at Boondocks at 5:00pm. We'll have pizza, play laser tag, games, and have LOTS of fun. We'll finish up around 7:00pm.

If you can't make it, be sure to contact Amanda or Brandon as soon as possible.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Get to Know All the New Members Tonight!

Hi Everyone!

Tonight we will get to meet our new members and get to know them better! We will be at city hall, 5:45-6:45. Make sure to let Brandon or Amanda know if you won't be able to attend.

Thanks! Lori

Saturday, May 2, 2009

New Officers-Congratulations!!!

Congratulations to all of our new officers, and a big thank you to everyone who took the time to run for office!






We'll be scheduling an officers retreat/orientation soon!