Tuesday, July 15, 2008

DYC Meetings for the rest of JULY

Besides the rest of the Draper Days activities this week, the ONLY meeting left in July will be THURSDAY, JULY 31st, in the Court Room from 5:45-6:45.

City Councilwoman Stephanie Davis will be coming to do a presentation for our council, and it should be fantastic.

Please make note of the change of dates and as always, RSVP if you CAN'T be there so we can plan accordingly.

SO-NO DYC on 7/22 OR 7/29, but come on 7/31!!!


aljdf;kjdsakg said...

shelbi anderson and sam anderson will not be able to attend the meeting tonight, July 31due to prior engagements. sorry!

DYC Officer said...

I'm so sorry! Tonights meeting completely slipped my mind. I will not be there on Aug. 5 or 12 I will be out of town. Sorry about tonight!