Monday, December 29, 2008

Upcoming Events (No DYC 12/30)


Dec. 30th
No DYC this week! Happy New Year!
(Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem and advisors meet at 6:00 at Chili's in Sandy for planning meeting)

Washington DC Trip
If you are going, you have been sent your log in info and password. Go to and look around. If you would like to go and haven't already signed up, please let me know ASAP!!

January 28-Legislature Day
We need to know by Dec. 31st whether or not you are going so we can register our group! We will spend the day at the Capitol, sitting in on committees, watching the House from the gallery, and also the Senate. We will have lunch with our legislators (Sen. Stephenson, Rep. Hughes, Sen. Niederhauser, Rep. Dougall) and the Governor. It is a fun, educational day!

As soon as you get back in school, start talking to teachers about being gone that day, and get your work done and turned in before the 27th. If you have any trouble getting an excused absence, please let me know and I'll work with the administration to get it approved like we did last year.

March 12-March 14
Our annual Leadership Conference at USU is one of the highlights of the year! Visit for more information and details. We need to register as soon as possible or the good rooms will be taken! Your DL should be calling you for a head count this week.

Draper Youth Council is the best!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Meeting at 5:30 pm tomorrow!

Hi Everyone,

Please meet at City Hall tomorrow at 5:30pm to go to the Road Home. We have to leave early so we can serve the food at the requested time.



Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Road Home - Homeless Shelter this Tuesday

Hi everyone,

This Tuesday we are scheduled to meet at City Hall at 5:45pm and go to the Road Home family homeless shelter to provide and serve dinner.

Please notice we are PROVIDING dinner and serving it. We need volunteers to bring food. The proposed menu is the following:

Crock-Pot of Pulled BBQ Chicken/Pork
Hamburger buns
Veggie Trays

Please let me know if you can bring food, it would be a great help. Also, the first 10 youth to volunteer get to go!

Thank you for your service during this busy time of year! You are all wonderful.

If you have any questions, please call me at 801-759-0109.

Happy Holidays!


What a humbling experience to serve those less fortunate. We came away very grateful for what we have.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

December Calendar Items

Changes for Tuesday, December 16th and December 23rd

12/16 5:45-6:45

This Tuesday, we'll be meeting at Natalie's house again at 13958 Wild Hay Circle.

We'll decorate the gingerbread cookies and deliver them to various places for Christmas.

We will also be doing a mock business etiquette meal to prepare for Legislature Day and the Leadership Conference at Utah State University.

12/23 5:00-?
We will be going to the soup kitchen tonight. We know it's a busy time and we only need a handful of youth to come. Please let Gwendolyn or DeLaina know if you want to come with us.

Legislature Day is JANUARY 28th. You'll need to make arrangements to miss school and have your parents permission to attend. We need an RSVP by Dec. 23rd.

More info regarding the DC trip will be coming soon.

Remember to contact Brandon or Amanda if you will not be attending any DYC event.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Tonight at Christmas in the Heart of Draper

We Need Your Help!
Christmas in the Heart of Draper

Hi Everyone! Please be at Draper City Hall at 5:00 tonight to help get ready for Christmas in the Heart of Draper. We need as many kids as possible to be there that early so that you can help decorate and get your assignments for the evening. Remember, this is a mandatory event! Tonight will run from 5:00 until probably around 9:00. The event ends at about 8:30, but we will need everyone there to stay and help clean up and put everything away.

Can't wait to see you all there - this will be a fun evening! If you have any questions, contact your district leader or Amanda, Brandon or an Advisor.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Draper Youth Council,

Due to the weather, we will not be able to paint and make other outdoor preparations for Christmas in the Heart of Draper at City Hall tonight (Dec. 2nd). We will instead be meeting at Natalie Boman’s house located at 13958 S. Wild Hay Cir. In South Mountain. Her house is off of Rambling Rd and Vestry. From Rambling, turn south on Vestry, and take an immediate right (West) on Hickenlooper. Wild Hay is the first circle on the left.

Parents, please make arrangements for your youth to be dropped off at 5:45 and picked up at 6:45.


DeLaina Tonks
DYC Advisor