Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Road Home - Homeless Shelter this Tuesday

Hi everyone,

This Tuesday we are scheduled to meet at City Hall at 5:45pm and go to the Road Home family homeless shelter to provide and serve dinner.

Please notice we are PROVIDING dinner and serving it. We need volunteers to bring food. The proposed menu is the following:

Crock-Pot of Pulled BBQ Chicken/Pork
Hamburger buns
Veggie Trays

Please let me know if you can bring food, it would be a great help. Also, the first 10 youth to volunteer get to go!

Thank you for your service during this busy time of year! You are all wonderful.

If you have any questions, please call me at 801-759-0109.

Happy Holidays!


What a humbling experience to serve those less fortunate. We came away very grateful for what we have.

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