Thursday, January 29, 2009

Holly Brown, We Love You!

Here's a big shout out to Holly Brown, and her phenomenal presentation on January 13th on how to be a proactive leader. I have found myself pausing and choosing to NOT react to certain situations, and by giving myself that space, I have been feeling more proactive than reactive.

The other thing I really loved was the list of life goals she had us make. Tack those up in your rooms and don't stop succeeding until you reach them all!

Legislature Fun

Yesterday we had a great time at Legislature Day. It was an early morning, starting at 6:00. We checked in and then attended the Law Enforcement House Committee. Three bills were discussed and two were sent on to the House of Reps to vote on them. If the House of Reps approves them- where do the bills go from there? First one to post the answer wins (no prize - just the satisfaction that you knew the answer)!

We heard three speakers, Brett Latimer, Kyle Maynard and Dr. Joseph Ellis. 5 points to the first three people who can post to the rest of us what each of the speeches focused on - a bit of the details please.

Our Legislator, Greg Hughes, was a most gracious host and gave us a fun tour of the capitol and then sat with us for a while answering questions. I enjoyed the presentation and hope you did too!

Thanks to everyone who came! It was a great day!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Legislature Day is tomorrow!!! Jan. 28th

Dress warmly!

Wear nice clothes!

If you aren't at City Hall by 6:15 we will leave without you unless you call and let us know-299.1978 will work.

If you committed to attend and for some reason are not able to make it, you can mail your $40 check to DYC 1020 E. Pioneer Rd. because your registration fee has already been paid for!

If your parents wrote a letter of support for the Youth Council, bring it with you!

If YOU have a letter of support, bring it with you!

If you don't have a letter, you'll have time during the commute to write one!

We plan to be back between 4:15 and 4:45 but will make cell phones available so you can let your parents know specifically when they can pick you up from City Hall.

This is going to be FUN!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2008 Year in Review

Look at all the fabulous things you have done in 2008! Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Legislature Day

Here is the itinerary for Legislature Day. It's coming up next week! January 28th.

6:00 am Meet at City Hall

6:15 Depart City Hall

7:00 Arrive at Conference Center

7:15 Arrive at Capitol for Registration

7:30-9:30 Morning meetings (watch committee meetings)

10-12 House session begins-watch from the gallery

12:15 Lunch at the Sheraton Center

w/Governor Huntsman, Rep. Greg Hughes, Sen. Howard Stephenson,

Councilman Jeff Stenquist, Mayor Darrell Smith, City Manager Layne Long

2:00 Back to the Capitol for a VIP Tour w/Rep. Greg Hughes

3:30 Return to Draper

4:30 parents pick up youth from City Hall


Girls-slacks, blouse, no jeans if possible, but skirt not necessary.

Boys-slacks, nice shirt, tie optional. No jeans, no T-shirts.

Eat breakfast before you leave home, or bring a snack with you. Lunch is provided, and you’ll be home in time for dinner.

Cell phones are okay, but no texting, talking or messaging will be allowed during the event.

No ipods please.

The registration was sent it a week and a half ago and we are all good to go for Legislature Day.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Meeting tomorrow at 4:15 PM !

We have rescheduled the tour of Primary Children's Hospital for tomorrow. In an effort to get everyone back for their other Tuesday night commitments at 7:00, we have bumped up the meeting.

We will bring the fleece blankets you made, along with a bunch of toys donated through the holiday season by friends. It should be a great event. To arrive on-time for our tour at 5:00pm, we will need to leave at 4:30pm sharp, so please plan to be at Draper City Hall no later than 4:15 pm. Our tour lasts until 5:45, so you should be back by 6:30 at the latest.

This is a mandatory meeting, so as always, if you are unable to attend please let Amanda or Brandon know. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January Calendar

We have a lot of fun activities coming up over the next couple of months!

January 13-Covey Presentation by Holly Brown, City Hall 5:45-6:45

January 20-We'll try delivering our blankets and toys to the U again, but earlier in the day so that it doesn't interfere with your evening activities. Stay tuned for exact details.

January 27-NO DYC

January 28-Legislature Day:
We'll be meeting at City Hall around 6:30 so we can get to the Capitol and get a parking spot. Thousands of youth and elected officials from all over the state flock to the Capitol for this event. We should be back by 3:00 or 4:00 at the latest, depending on what kind of individual tours we can set up with our Reps and Senators.

Be sure to make arrangements with your teachers to do your schoolwork ahead of time so you don't get behind. If you need help getting an excused absence for this event, let DeLaina know.

Coming soon: Utah State University Leadership Conference March 12-14...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Primary Children's Hospital

I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and are rested and ready to serve! Tomorrow we are scheduled to take a tour of Primary Children's Hospital. We will bring the fleece blankets you made, along with a bunch of toys donated through the holiday season by friends. It should be a great event.

To arrive on-time for our tour at 6:00pm, we will need to leave at 5:30pm sharp, so please plan to be at Draper City Hall no later than 5:20pm. Our tour lasts until 6:45, so you should be back by 7:30 at the latest.

As always, if you are unable to attend please let Amanda or Brandon know.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
