Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Legislature Day

Here is the itinerary for Legislature Day. It's coming up next week! January 28th.

6:00 am Meet at City Hall

6:15 Depart City Hall

7:00 Arrive at Conference Center

7:15 Arrive at Capitol for Registration

7:30-9:30 Morning meetings (watch committee meetings)

10-12 House session begins-watch from the gallery

12:15 Lunch at the Sheraton Center

w/Governor Huntsman, Rep. Greg Hughes, Sen. Howard Stephenson,

Councilman Jeff Stenquist, Mayor Darrell Smith, City Manager Layne Long

2:00 Back to the Capitol for a VIP Tour w/Rep. Greg Hughes

3:30 Return to Draper

4:30 parents pick up youth from City Hall


Girls-slacks, blouse, no jeans if possible, but skirt not necessary.

Boys-slacks, nice shirt, tie optional. No jeans, no T-shirts.

Eat breakfast before you leave home, or bring a snack with you. Lunch is provided, and you’ll be home in time for dinner.

Cell phones are okay, but no texting, talking or messaging will be allowed during the event.

No ipods please.

The registration was sent it a week and a half ago and we are all good to go for Legislature Day.

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