Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Homework---Earn Points!!!

Your homework assignment for the week of Feb. 10-17 is to log on to the blog, and post a comment on any of the posts to verify that you know how to access the blog. You will earn five points after leaving a comment, and there will also be opportunities to earn even more points by answering questions about Legislature Day. The blog is one of our primary forms of communication, so it is important that you check it every week.


Gwendolyn said...


While I have received several emails this week from blog posts, Brandon has not received even one. Not even in his spam folder. This begs the question of how many of the youth haven't received these emails. I believe this is why we stopped using the blog as our primary form of communication. It isn't reliable. It is still a great tool to post upcoming calendar events, comments on past events, and event FAQ's. I do think the youth need to check the blog, but using it to communicate time critical, required information, or points opportunities doesn't work consistently. I think regular email is best for that.

With love and appreciation for all you do,

Gwendolyn said...

Hi, this is Brandon. I know how to access the blog and I know how to leave comments. yay! I think that we should do a deminstration that is different from the one we did last year at Utah State. No offense, but that was kinda creepy and uncomfortable. I think we should do something with skits and teamwork. But don't take my word for it. (reading rainbow!) Random I know but I do think we should do a different presentation.

adios amigos!

Katie Taylor said...

Kimberly and Katie Taylor know how to access the blog and leave a comment!! We love Draper Youth Council:)

Pumpkinpie said...

Malorie Free knows how to use the blog!!:)

Pumpkinpie said...

Malorie Free knows how to use the blog!!:)