Monday, March 30, 2009

Upcoming Events

MARCH 31st-Job Interview Training 5:45-6:30

MARCH 31st-6:30-6:45 Special Presentation to the youth, by the City Council in Council chambers. Dress nicely and invite your parents!

APRIL 7th-5:45 at the WENTWORTH We'll be assembling Breakfast Bags and Easter Eggs for the Hunt. A few of you will be placing the signs for the Hunt. Bring your friends!

Also bring your applications to run for office if you're interested.

APRIL 11-Easter Egg Hunt 8:30-10:30. Arrive at 7:00, and dress warmly! We'll scatter eggs, mark the circles, put out the Breakfast Bags, place the signs, put up the inflatables etc.

APRIL 1-15 OPEN ENROLLMENT for Draper Youth Council. If you have friends who are interested in joining, have them fill out an application from the Members' Guide at, under the Residents tab.

APRIL 14 DRAPER YOUTH COUNCIL OPENHOUSE at City Hall! Invite your friends to come and learn more about how we serve the community and learn about leadership. Applications will be available as well as displays, DVDs, and refreshments.

Interviews for officers will occur tonight so come prepared! You'll fill out a scoring guide, receive an attendance sheet and be asked questions about the office for which you are declaring your candidacy.

Scholarship applications are also due APRIL 14th! (You have a copy in your binder, or they are available in the Members' Guide at No late applications will be accepted.


APRIL 28-Election Night! Come and hear campaign speeches, discuss your choices with others, and vote for your 2009-2010 Officers!

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