Saturday, July 11, 2009

Summer Calendar

Hey DYC members! I hope you are all having a great summer so far. I just wanted to make you all aware of a few calendar items.


The Draper Days Parade and Children's Parade are coming up. Look at the post DeLaina put up for more information on this.


Aug. 4th- Safety Days at Draper Park from 5-9. District #1 (Ashlee S.) is in charge.

Aug. 1- Aug. 15- Open Enrollment. We aren't doing a big open house since we just did one not long ago. But if you have friends that want to apply let them know!

Aug. 21st- 22nd- Overnight Sleepover so that the morning of the 22nd we can do a car wash fundraiser (maybe??)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I cant go to the August 4 safety days because I will be at girls camp. -Sam Anderson