Monday, August 24, 2009

Change Of Date!!!

Sorry, we have changed the date for our BBQ/ Crime Victim Advocate Night. It will actually be September 1st at 5:00 at Draper Park. They also have asked us to bring 1 or 2 t-shirts so we can decorate them to hang in city hall for our Crime Victim Advocate part of the night. They can be of any size and any one color, just no designs. I hope everyone can still come! Make sure to let Joey and Gilly know if you can't come. Thanks!


Ashlee said...

okay so where exactly is this going to be at? Draper Park, I'm assuming?

Lance said...

Draper Park, the north side of the park. At least thats where we always do stuff.

Madeleine Anderson said...

I can't be there tonight sorry for the late notice, its my sixteenth birthday. Hope it goes great!

Madeleine Anderson