Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sorry Guys...

My mom accidentally posted that too early so I only got the first people on the list.... Long story. In a nutshell-- here's the complete list. I'm so sorry guys I just about had a heart attck haha....

Amanda A.
Amanda K.
Ashlee S.
Ashley A.
Ashley P.
Austin W.
Brandon S.
Brock Damjanovich (I just had to write out his whole last name... It's too cool for a simple initial!)
Bryant W.
Camille K.
Chandley C.
Chase D.
Clark M.
Corinne C.
Gilly O!
Haylee H.
Jenessa P.
Joey W.
Jordan M.
Krista B.
Krystle J.
Lance U.
Linda P.
Madie A. (How do you spell your first name? I thought it was this for some reason...?)
Marie J.
Rachael O.
Sam A.
Sam W.
Sara W.
Shelby D.
Sierra M.
Taylor C.
Taylor S.
Tyler R.
Whitney G.
Whitney S.
Whitney T.
Zac J.

Kay-- NOW if there's any mistakes let me know :)

I am so so so sorry about that guys! Honest mistake. As Hannah Montana so wisely states, "Nobody's perfect, I gotta work it again and again 'till I get it right..." Yes. She is quite profound. I'm really sorry guys. Any more mistakes let me know!--Gilly!

1 comment:

Madeleine Anderson said...

i spell my name Maddy or Madeleine but mostly maddy :)