Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fun Run & CITHOD

This Saturday, the 14th from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. is the Fun Run. Draper Youth Council is supposed to help out with that, and remember if you come to this extra activity you get more points! If you are available to help out with all or part of the Fun Run contact Joey or Gilly and they will get you more information about it as soon as they know more.

Next Tuesday for our activity we will be talking about Christmas In the Heart of Draper which is coming up on the 30th of this month! So we must plan what activities we will be doing, what we need, and so on. So make sure you come to this so that you know what's going on for CITHOD. So come to city hall on Tuesday at 5:45 for all the details. Make sure to let Joey or Gilly know if you can't come. Thanks!

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