Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Camp Hobe' - volunteer opportunities

Hello DYC! Since so many of you are involved in service activities outside of our great organization, I thought one of you might be interested in this opportunity. I received the following email and anyone interested in more information, please let me know. I will forward the original with attachments of their brochure and volunteer information. Or, feel free to contact Chris directly:

From: Christina Beckwith []
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 3:09 PM
To: ''
Subject: Volunteer Opportunity - Camp Hobé 2010

Hello, I'm writing to ask for your help. I am the camp director for Camp Hobé, Utah's summer camp for children with cancer and their siblings. We run a 2-week camp program every summer for Utah children who are being treated for cancer as well as their siblings. Our organization is run and staffed almost entirely by volunteers – we need over 100 volunteers each year. Our brochure is attached in case you would like more information about our program.

We are currently recruiting for volunteers for our summer 2010 camp. I've attached a flyer that may be posted and also some information about volunteering. Application forms and job descriptions are available on our website at

Volunteering for Camp Hobé is a great experience for anyone, but especially for students and professionals in Recreation, Outdoor Programs, Health Sciences, Child Life, Social Work, and Nursing programs. Our camp has worked with internship programs in the past so that students can receive college credit if their degree program has a program in place for this.

I was wondering if you'd be willing to forward information about this volunteer opportunity to your students and faculty. I appreciate any help that you can give us. Have a great day! Thank you!


Chris Beckwith (aka Wapiti Mama)

Executive Director
Camp Hobe'

PO Box 520755

Salt Lake City, UT 84152-0755

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Here's the list I have of people who are going to Legislature Day.

Amanda Anderson
Amanda Kirby
Amanda Maylett
Ashlee Smith
Ashley Anderson
Brandon Smith
Brock Damjanovich
Gilly Olsen
Haylee Harrell
Hunter Nilson
Jenessa Peterson
Joey Wilson
Krista Burge
Lance Unwin
Linda Peterson
Malorie Free
Rachel Owen
Sam Anderson
Samantha Wright
Sara Wilcox
Sierra Maughan
Tyler Richardson
Whitney Shurtleff
Zach Johnson

and here are the people attending Utah State:

Amanda Anderson
Amanda Kirby
Amanda Maylett
Ashlee Smith
Ashley Anderson
Brandon Smith
Brock Damjanovich
Bryant Woolsey
Chandley Chynoweth
Clark Morley
Gilly Olsen
Hunter Nilson
Joey Wilson
Kim Taylor
Krista Burge
Lance Unwin
Linda Peterson
Malorie Free
Marie Johnson
Rachel Owen
Samantha Wright
Sara Wilcox
Sierra Maughan
Tyler Richardson
Whitney Shurtleff
Whitney Tripp
Zach Johnson

If you are not on these lists and you are planning on attending, let me AND Joey know TODAY!!!!!!! the end.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

December 15th Attendance :)

Here's the list of people who were there on Tuesday. REMEMBER--- You're Secret-Sub-For-Santa present (get a toy for the person you drew that you think they would want when they were little, and we are donating them to Primary Children's!) and ALSO REMEMBER--- To RSVP Gilly or Joey about Legislature Day (January 27, school excused absence) and USU Conference (March 18-20, school excused on the 19th, the only day we are missing) BY DECEMBER 20TH!!!! Kay? Kay. Here's the role...

Linda Peterson
Clark Morley
Tyler Richardson
Sam Anderson
Haylee Harrell
Ashlee Smith
Amanda Maylett
Gilly Olsen!
Brandon Smith
Austin Wood
Lance Unwin
Krystle Jensen (Her name was listed twice... But she only put it once... The second time her name was spelled incorrectly. Kids these days.)
Amanda Anderson
Malorie Free
Krista Burge
Whitney Shurtleff loves gilly! (is what she signed on the role-- love you too whit!)
Brock DamJanovich
Rachel Owen
Taylor Staley
Sara Wilcox
Chase Dixon
Ashley Parker
Ashley Anderson
Samantha Wright
Chandley Chynoweth
Joey "Mojojoejoe" Wilson
Hunter Nilson
Amanda Kirby
Marie Johnson
Jenessa Peterson

If anyone oddly enough did not get a chance to sign the role, please let me know! :)

Sub for Santa Reminder

Don't forget to buy a present for the name that you chose at the last meeting. They don't have to be wrapped. Remember these presents will be donated to children at Primary Children's Hospital. We will meet at city hall for a quick meeting to exchange gifts on Tuesday at the normal time. Thanks everyone!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sub for Santa

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season so far because Tuesday's activity is a very fun and festive one! We will be doing sub for santa and other holiday activites at city hall at 5:45. It will be a blast so make sure you can come! However if you can't, make sure you let Joey and Gilly know. Hope to see you all there!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Attendance for Road Home

Hey! If I missed anyone that came to the Road Home please let me know! :) If you have questions about your attendances being excused or unexcused ask me (Gilly!) Okay? Thank you!

Amanda Kirby
Amanda Maylett
Ashlee Smith
Ashley Anderson
Bryant Woolsey
Brandon Smith
Clark Morley
Gilly Olsen!
Joey Wilson
Krystle Jensen
Lance Unwin
Linda Peterson
Maddy Anderson
Samantha Wright
Shelby Dixon
Sierra Maughan
Taylor Cutler
Whitney Shurtleff

If you know someone that was there that I didn't post, please don't hesitate to correct it! :) Chances are that they're on the spreadsheet and I missed typing them here--because hate to break it to ya, I'm actually not perfect ;) just joshin'!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Food Drive Drop Off

If you are in charge of checking a food drive barrel then this information is for you! If you have collected food from you barrel you have two options:

option #1- take it to 12773 South 300 East and there is a barn. The side door of the barn is always unlocked so you can drop it off in there.

option #2- bring it to DYC and Brandon will collect it.

Remember to be checking it daily. Thanks for everyone that is helping with the food drive!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Information you NEED to know!

This Tuesday, December 8, half of DYC signed up to go to the Road home downtown. If you are on this list you need to be at City Hall at 5:30 so we can carpool over. We also need people to volunteer to carpool because we don't have enough people driving. So if you are available to drive, or your parents can, let Joey or Gilly know asap! The following people are the ones that signed up for the road home:

Shelby Dixon
Maddy Anderson
Sierra Maughan
Bryant Woolsey
Amanda Kirby
Hunter Nilson
MoJoe the Joey Joe Meister
Whitney Shurtleff
Chase Dixon
Sara Wilcox
Krystle Jensen
Taylor Cutler
Clark Morley
Ashlee Smith
Kimberly Taylor
Whitney Tripp
Amanda Maylett
Linda Peterson
Lance Unwin
Tyler Richardson

If you are not on this list meet at 5:45 AT the Wentworth and be ready to sing Christmas Carols :)

Legislature Day:

Youth Council Day at the Legislature will be Wednesday, January 27th, 2010. We will spend the day at the Capitol, have lunch with our local officials, state leadership and legislators. You must RSVP to Joey or Gilly by December 20th so that we can get everyone registered and paid for.

USU Conference:

Utah State Leadership Conference will be Th-Sat, March 18-20, 2010. As you know, this conference is one of the highlights of the year and is a lot of fun. This year includes workshops, a Jon Schmidt concert, keynote by popular motivational speaker, author of "Puppies for Sale" and contributor to Chicken Soup for the Soul, Dan Clark, banquet, and dance. Youth MUST RSVP to Joey or Gilly by December 20th so that we can register and pay. If you register and are unable to attend, you will be responsible for reimbursing DYC any amount that we cannot get back from USU.

If you are in Canyons School District, these will be excused absences. If you are in a different district, they have typically been excused, and DeLaina is happy to talk to the schools in advance, and make arrangements. Please give your teachers ample notice and plan to work ahead if possible.