Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Camp Hobe' - volunteer opportunities

Hello DYC! Since so many of you are involved in service activities outside of our great organization, I thought one of you might be interested in this opportunity. I received the following email and anyone interested in more information, please let me know. I will forward the original with attachments of their brochure and volunteer information. Or, feel free to contact Chris directly:

From: Christina Beckwith []
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 3:09 PM
To: ''
Subject: Volunteer Opportunity - Camp Hobé 2010

Hello, I'm writing to ask for your help. I am the camp director for Camp Hobé, Utah's summer camp for children with cancer and their siblings. We run a 2-week camp program every summer for Utah children who are being treated for cancer as well as their siblings. Our organization is run and staffed almost entirely by volunteers – we need over 100 volunteers each year. Our brochure is attached in case you would like more information about our program.

We are currently recruiting for volunteers for our summer 2010 camp. I've attached a flyer that may be posted and also some information about volunteering. Application forms and job descriptions are available on our website at

Volunteering for Camp Hobé is a great experience for anyone, but especially for students and professionals in Recreation, Outdoor Programs, Health Sciences, Child Life, Social Work, and Nursing programs. Our camp has worked with internship programs in the past so that students can receive college credit if their degree program has a program in place for this.

I was wondering if you'd be willing to forward information about this volunteer opportunity to your students and faculty. I appreciate any help that you can give us. Have a great day! Thank you!


Chris Beckwith (aka Wapiti Mama)

Executive Director
Camp Hobe'

PO Box 520755

Salt Lake City, UT 84152-0755

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Whitney Shurtleff would like more information! thanks!