Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Time Started: 6:57


Scholarship Applications were due

Easter Egg Hunt
Absent people signed up on a sheet. Assignments to follow. Others who can attend signed up for jobs including supervision of egg hunts, face painting, and easter bunny.

Send a baby pic to Haylee Harrell
Her email is
The baby pics will be used for the slideshow at the DYC banquet.

DC Close Up Trip
Summer trip at Washington DC. Tons of fun. Talk to Maddie Anderson or Kim Anderson if you are interested in going as soon as possible. Kim's email is

District Leader Position Available
This looks great on scholarship applications and resumes. If you are interested, talk to Sam Wright. Her email is

No DYC Next Week Because of Easter Egg Hunt

April 12 DYC Banquet
There is an end of year banquet at La Hacienda (near Carl's Jr.,Cafe Rio, Wingers) at 5:00. Wear your Sunday best. Following that, 6:30 at City Hall there will be a ceremony for PVSA awards in the big room upstairs. Your parents are invited to the latter. There should be invitations sent in the mail.

Tying Blankets
We cut and tied blankets for the animals at the pet shelter.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

April Birthdays!!!!

Hey Guys! It's April. April is THE BEST time to have a BIRTHDAY!!! And we have FOUR members of DYC that are lucky enough to have April Birthdays!! Here they are--

April 2- Jenessa Peterson
April 16- Haylee Harrell
April 19- Gilly Olsen
April 30- Amanda Kirby

Jenessa's turning 18 and Haylee, Gilly, and Amanda are turning 17!! So make sure you wish them all a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


March 20 Attendance

Amanda Anderson
Maddy Anderson
Sam Anderson
Corinne Cannon
Brock Damjanovich
Shelby Dixon
Malorie Free
Haylee Harrell
Krystle Jensen
Zach Johnson
Amanda Kirby
Sierra Maughan
Clark Morley
Gilly Olsen
Linda Peterson
Tyler Richardson
Brandon Smith
Taylor Staley
Kim Taylor
Lance Unwin
Emma Walker
Sara Wilcox
Austin Wood
Samantha Wright


Because of the weather, DYC will not be at boondocks today. It will be at the normal time at the courthouse so that we can tie blankets for the animal shelter.

Monday, March 29, 2010

March 30

Come to DYC this week at Boondocks fun center!
Meet there at 5:30 and leave at 8:30

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

If you want to go to Washington DC..

Hey guys,
If you're still interested in going to Washington DC you need to talk to either Kim or Gwendolyn by Wednesday at 5:00 pm.

Thanks so much!
Samantha Wright

March 23

No DYC today because of USU over the weekend.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Attendance for March 16

Haylee H.
Sara W.
Kimberly T
Malorie Free
Krista B.
Taylor S.
Whitney S.
Ashley A.
Madeleine A.
Lance U.
Tyler R.
Amanda K.
Hunter N.
Ashlee S.
Linda P.
Clark M.
Krystle J.
Jenessa P.
Gilly O.
Marie J.
Austin W.
Whitney T.
Sam W.
Sam A.
Corinne C.
Brandon S.
Camille K.

Let me know if I missed you!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Minutes for March 16


Time Started: 6:50



Be at City Hall on Thursday, we leave at 3:00 pm. Arriving home on Saturday around Noon.

Car Assignments:
Gwendolyn: Emma and Sara
Kim: Maddy, Lance, Tyler, Austin, Sierra, Joey, Marie
Delaina: Sam W, Kimberly, Whitney S, Jenessa, Krystle
Amy: Sam A, Haylee, Malorie, Krista, Brock, Amanda A, Ashlee S, Gilly, Amanda K, Linda, Clark
***Girls leaving on Friday night leave in Kim's car, BOYS leaving early go with Gwendolyn


Friday workshop Close up topics:
Sierra-Sharing with other people backgrounds
Marie/Jenessa (?)-Holocaust Museum, Arlington National, Malcom X Park, National Cathedral
Lance-Rep. Matheson
Kim-Meeting with Senator Bennett

Friday workshop 'Where do you stand?' topics:
Waterboarding torture
Healthcare, Obama/Republicans
Teacher Salaries/Performance pay
Gay parents adopt

Saturday Workshop Domestic Issues Debate:
Introducers: Gilly and Haylee
Time Keepers: Ashlee S. and Amanda K.
Mics/wanderers: Whitney, Brock, Sam A., Tyler

Easter Prep
Consisted of stuffing gift bags with chalk, stuffed animals, toys, etc. in preperation for the Draper City Easter Egg Hunt in April.

Collected Service Hours for PVSA

Monday, March 15, 2010

March 16

Hey guys!

This week we will be meeting at the courtroom at 5:45 to make easter baskets for the upcomming hunt, and Anniki is comming to talk to us about our activity at USU. Also, remember that PVSA hours are due. Be there on time! :]

USU Packing List!

USU is finally here!!

Make sure to bring all of the following:

Warm Jacket/ Coat

Pajamas for Thursday & Friday night

Warm clothes for Friday

Warm clothes for Saturday (Comfortable because you’ll be driving home in them!)

Dress Attire for the Banquet (Skirt/Dress for girls, Shirt & tie for boys)

Modest Swimming suit

DYC Sweatshirt

Toiletry Items

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

No Draper Youth Council

tonight, March 8th, unless your an officer or district leader.

Monday, March 8, 2010

March Birthdays!

Hey guys! It's Gilly the Social Director! I just wanted you to know the Birthdays of DYC members for this month (March). If there are any corrections needed to be made please let me know! :)
I have...

March 12 Krystle Jensen's Birthday!!

And that's all I got. So wish Krystle a happy 18th birthday!!! Can you believe she's that old? WOW! Happy Birthday Krystle! :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Attendance for March 2

Hey everyone this is the attendance for March 2 and Everyones Favorite book that they suggested! Let me know if i missed you! Thanks Sierra!

Malorie F. - Peter and the Star Catchers
Amanda A.
Austin W.
Tyler R. - How Things are Made
Lance U.
Chase D. - Pendragon
Whitney S. - The Secret Journal of Brett Colton
Brock D. -I Love You Forever
Krystle J. -Lord of the Flies
Jenessa P. - Lord of the Flies
Brandon S. - Goodnight Moon & Hunchback of Notre Dame
Haylee H. - The Giver, The Messenger, & Crime and Punishment
Amanda K. - Pride and Prejudice & Bad Case of Stripes
Ashlee S. - Anne of Green Gables
Sierra M.
Joey W. -To Kill a Mockingbird
Clark M.
Sam W. - Harry Potter 3
Corinne C. - Goose Girl
Taylor S.
Emma W. -The Last Song
Krista B.
Camille K.
Ashley A.
Sara W. - Fablehaven
Kim T. - A Cry in the Night
Whitney T. -Uglies
Maddy A. - Harry Potter 7
Hunter N.
Linda P. - Harry Potter 7
Gilly O. -Harry Potter 6
DeLaina - Bel Canto, Pillars of the Earth
Kim - The Book Thief
Amy - Twilight Series, The Help
Gwendolyn - White Thing, A Little Princess, A Tree Grows in Brookland, Thieves are My Words, Little Women

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Officers Announced!

And More Fun Stuff like Books and Cake and Banquets and Scholarships and PVSA Awards!

We have great things planned for tonight. We will announce the new DYC Officers and welcome them to their new positions. Also, we will give lots of great information about how to apply for DYC scholarships, the President's Volunteer Service Award, and when the end of the DYC Year banquet will be.

Also, today is "National Read Across America" day. We are asking everyone to bring their favorite book EVER with a brief verbal summary of why you love it. Children's books to adult classics and everything in-between are welcome. (um, well, ALMOST everything) It should be a fun way to get to know the people around you and get some great reading ideas.

Finally, we will enjoy cake in honor of the service our past officers have given, to encourage our new officers, and to celebrate reading! (it is Dr. Seuss' birthday, so feel free to bring your Cat in the Hat.)

All in one hour! So be sure to arrive on-time, we are going to have a great night.