Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Officers Announced!

And More Fun Stuff like Books and Cake and Banquets and Scholarships and PVSA Awards!

We have great things planned for tonight. We will announce the new DYC Officers and welcome them to their new positions. Also, we will give lots of great information about how to apply for DYC scholarships, the President's Volunteer Service Award, and when the end of the DYC Year banquet will be.

Also, today is "National Read Across America" day. We are asking everyone to bring their favorite book EVER with a brief verbal summary of why you love it. Children's books to adult classics and everything in-between are welcome. (um, well, ALMOST everything) It should be a fun way to get to know the people around you and get some great reading ideas.

Finally, we will enjoy cake in honor of the service our past officers have given, to encourage our new officers, and to celebrate reading! (it is Dr. Seuss' birthday, so feel free to bring your Cat in the Hat.)

All in one hour! So be sure to arrive on-time, we are going to have a great night.

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