Sunday, May 9, 2010

Last Tuesday's activity!

Here's the role for Tuesday 5/4. If I missed you let me know!!

Sierra Maughan
Bryant Woolsey
Krista Burge
Chase Dixon
Amanda Kirby
Haylee Harrell
Taylor Staley
Lance Unwin

Samantha Wright
Sam Anderson
Tyler Richardson
Maddy Anderson
Brandon Smith
Whitney Tripp
Chandley Chynoweth
Kim Taylor
Whitney Shurtleff
Brock Damjanovich
Malorie Free
Sara Wilcox
Emma Walker
Clark Morely
Linda Peterson
Ashley Anderson
Zack Johnson
Corinne Cannon
Gilly Olsen
Ashlee Smith
Hunter Nilson
Austin Wood
Marie Johnson
Joey Wilson

ALSO! Here is the list for people that signed up for races. If you signed up you need to be there or find a replacement!!! Thanks :)

May 22nd-
Tyler Richardson
Whitney Shurtleff
Kim Taylor
Whitney Tripp
Sam Anderson
Linda Peterson
Clark Morely
Brandon Smith
Maddy Anderson
Ashley Anderson
Samantha Wright

May 29th-
Tyler Richardson
Whitney Shurtleff
Brock Damjanovich
Sara Wilcox
Emma Walker
Marie Johnson
Joey Wilson
Hunter Nilson

Thanks for everything guys. You're great!

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