Thursday, July 15, 2010

Childrens GAMES

This Friday and Saturday are the children's games. The games are going to be on the South side of the park this year around the baseball diamond. This is different than last year! Wear your DYC shirts and if you could arrive around 5:50 that would be best on the evening shifts, and plan to stay until 8:00 at least. Again, Saturday afternoon shift starts at noon and will go until 2:00. The people I have signed up during these times are as follows.

Friday 5:50-8:00

Whitney S.
Brock D.
Ashlee S.
Sam A.

Saturday 12:00-2:00

Sam A.
Haylee H.
Amanda A.
Ashlee A.
Corinne C.
Linda P.
Sara W.
Malorie F.
Krista B.

Saturday 5:50-8:00

Kim T.
Whitney T.
Amanda K.
Zach J.

Again, if there are any questions feel free to text me, Sam Anderson, at 801-573-8059!

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