Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wentworth Activity Minutes

Agenda October 5th:
Time Started: 5:30

Being Prompt

It is very important that all members arrive to meetings on time. Meetings now start at 5:30, fifteen minutes earlier to compensate for the switch to meeting every other week. They also last until 7:00. Please arrive on time, as it makes it very difficult to start without our members.

Haunted Hallows Activity October 25

There was a lady who came to talk to us about Haunted Hallows taking place at Draper Historic Park on October 25. Be prepared to paint faces and work other booths for the event. More information and sign up sheets will be provided at our next DYC meeting (October 19).

Painting Pumpkins

At the Wentworth, we helped the residents decorate pumpkins as room decorations. It went very well.

Planting Bulbs

We also helped out by planting bulbs outside in the front of the Wentworth building. It too, went very well.

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