Monday, December 6, 2010

Scholarhip Applications and Leadership Opportunities

It's that time again.. time to get ready for an end of year banquet which means scholarships!
Check your email to get a Membership guide which contains the scholarship application on pages 24-26.

Remember: All applications need to be turned in to an Advisor or to the City Hall no later than December 20th.
* If you haven't recieved an email, let Samantha Wright know with your current email address ASAP.

Also, if you're interested in a leadership role for the 2011 year, there will be sign- ups at the next activity. Please express any interest by the 20th.
Leadership Positions:
Mayor Pro Tem
Oublic Information Officer
City Council Member
District Leader

* If you're interested in any of these positions, let us know! There is information about each role in the membership guide that was emailed to you on page 14.

See everyone tomorrow for the Utah Food Bank activity!

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