Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Service Opportunity

Any youth who can donate any of these items will receive one point per item up to 20 points. Items will need to be ready by this Thursday at 3:00, and when you drop off the T-shirts to Clark, you can also drop off the items for the kits.

Immediate Request:

Hygiene Kits Needed for Hurricane Ike Survivors

Please Collect & Donate Items for Emergency 'Hygiene Kit' Essentials by Sat., Sept. 27th at Noon:

(6-8 oz., no pumps)
Bar Soap
(approx. 3.5-5 oz.)
(sturdy & no sharp handles)
Hand Towels
(approx. 15" x 25")
1 Gallon Clear Zip-lock Bags

Please Deliver Unassembled Items to:

SL City Government
SL City & County Bldg.
451 So. State St., SLC
7 am — 7 pm

SL Co. Government Center
North Building Atrium
2001 So. State St., SLC
7 am — 7 pm

Volunteers are also Needed to Assemble Kits on Sat., Sept. 27th, from 9:00 am to Noon at:

Salt Lake County Government Center
North Building Atrium
2001 So. State St., SLC

To Register to Volunteer or for Details, Contact:

Tamara Wharton. (801) 538-8744
or twharton@utah. gov

Thank you for your kind support!

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