Tuesday, September 23, 2008

T-Shirts for Project Clothesline

Here's the skinny on those T-shirts. We need as many solid color (doesn't matter what color or size) T-shirts as we can get. We are partnering with the Crime Victim Advocates Draper office to raise awareness about Domestic Violence and Dating Violence. At our BBQ on Sept. 30th, we will be painting messages (poems, song lyrics, art, whatever message YOU personally would like to send out)on the T-shirts to help raise awareness.

Sandy and Draper have the highest rates of Domestic Violence in the state, believe it or not, and it is very likely that people you know are affected by and live with this on a daily basis.

Kimberlee Montoya, a Crime Victim advocate will do a short presentation and will give us ideas of things to put on the T-shirts.

IMPORTANT: Clark will be at City Hall from 3:00-4:00 on Thursday, Sept 24th to collect the T-shirts. Look through your closets and find a couple to drop off to him. If everyone brings 1-2 T-shirts, that will be sufficient. If you can't make it to City Hall on Thursday, post a comment and Clark will make arrangements to get the T-shirts from you.

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