Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thanksgiving Point Activity

Hey everyone! We need to know how many people are going to be at our activity Tuesday (Thanksgiving Point). We will be transported in the city buses,  and we will leave at 5:30 and get back around 7. So if you can go let me AND your District Leader know ASAP! You can post it on the blog, text, or email me but I need to know right away! Also if you can wear your awesome DYC shirt. Thanks you guys rock!!! ---Amanda 


Lance said...

ill be there,

DYC Officer said...

I will for sure come! no one in my district has got back to me on this--but they will prob still come!
love ya!

Unknown said...

I'm way sorry but I have mutual at 6 tonight and I have to be there so I won't be able to come. I'm really sorry! Oh and last week my computer was down so I couldn't leave a blog to say that I would not be able to make it. I'm really sorry about that too!!! Thank you so much!
Krystle Jensen

James said...

yes i can go i just need to know were we are meeting to get on the buses


DeLaina said...

James-City Hall at 5:30:-)