Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Draper Youth Council,

Due to the weather, we will not be able to paint and make other outdoor preparations for Christmas in the Heart of Draper at City Hall tonight (Dec. 2nd). We will instead be meeting at Natalie Boman’s house located at 13958 S. Wild Hay Cir. In South Mountain. Her house is off of Rambling Rd and Vestry. From Rambling, turn south on Vestry, and take an immediate right (West) on Hickenlooper. Wild Hay is the first circle on the left.

Parents, please make arrangements for your youth to be dropped off at 5:45 and picked up at 6:45.


DeLaina Tonks
DYC Advisor

1 comment:

Pumpkinpie said...

I won't be able to make it tonight...

Malorie Free