Monday, December 22, 2008

Meeting at 5:30 pm tomorrow!

Hi Everyone,

Please meet at City Hall tomorrow at 5:30pm to go to the Road Home. We have to leave early so we can serve the food at the requested time.




Pumpkinpie said...

I won't be able to make it to DYC Tonight... Sorry

James said...

Hey everyone im sorry i couldent make it to the christmas in ther heart of draper. i miss you guys and wish i could still be there. wisconsen is cold and there are no mountians to snowboard on. but other than that its ok. miss you all. -james

DeLaina said...

James-we miss you a ton! Send us your contact info b/c we have something to send you. What part of WI are you in? I've been to Madison and it's quite pretty, but definitely flat. Hang in there and be sure to give us updates!