Tuesday, February 3, 2009

DYC Tonight-Cookies and Ordinances

Tonight for DYC we will be partnering with the Draper City PD to look at some city ordinances that could use some changing so that we can make Draper a safer, better place to live!

We will also be decorating Valentines Cookies to take to The Wentworth next week. This was one of our best activities last year and we are thrilled to repeat it!

Please let Lance know if you need to be back at City Hall by 6:45 next Tuesday, Feb. 10th, or if you can stay a little later and return at 7:15.

DC Trip Youth--I need to know ASAP if you are arranging your own airfare with frequent flyer miles etc. I'll be purchasing the tickets in the next week or so. Please get back to me ASAP.

The next payment will be $287.25 and will be due on Feb. 21


DYC Officer said...

I need to be back by 6:45

DYC Officer said...

Me too! :)

DYC Officer said...

Me too! :)

DYC Officer said...

oops. didn't mean to put that last twice!

lundy Willes said...

today was so fun! That papa J guy was so fun!

lundy Willes said...

today was so fun! That papa J guy was so fun!

lundy Willes said...
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