Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February Calendar


3rd C – City Ordinance/Resolution Proposal (G Clark), Cookies Decorated (L Joey)
10th S - Valentines at Wentworth (D-this has been scheduled, Lance)
17th L – Prepare for USU presentation and poster (L)
24th S - Easter Egg Hunt Prep/USU Pres. (N, L)


DYC Officer said...

So what exactly do I do for the Public Speaking Skills meeting on the seventeenth? Do I need to prepare a speech? I can... If you'd like me to...?

DeLaina said...

Gilly-your district is in charge, and Lori will coordinate with you. You may just need to make some calls, not do the actual public speaking, unless you really, really, want to.

ashley said...

Hey I just wanted to say I really enjoyed this night's activity; the trip to the senor citizens home, it was so much fun, and I think we should totally speed up the date for another one of those trips!

lundy Willes said...

Tonight was so fun! That Papa J was so funny! Thank you guys so much for taking us!

Lori Jensen said...

I have someone coming on March 3rd to do a presentation on public speaking, so next week we will need to talk about the USU presentation and the poster.

Ashlee said...

Hey, okay I have to agree, the last activity was fantastic. The old people were so cute! Those kind of service projects are awesome! Thanks guys!