Sunday, November 1, 2009

Adopt-A-Grandparent on Wednesday

This week our activity is adopt-a-grandparent! I hope you are all so excited because I know I am! But, it's on Wednesday and not Tuesday so make sure you remember that. So we are meeting at the Wentworth (on 7th east across the street from Harmons) on Wednesday at 5:30. We will have such a great time so make sure you come if you can. Let Gilly and Joey know if you can't come.


Madeleine Anderson said...

I work from 4-6 on Wednesdays and have to be at my church at 7:00. Sorry I can't make it this week or generally on Wednesdays.

Samantha Anderson said...

hey this is sam anderson and i wont be able to go to dyc tonight, i am usually tied up on wednesdays, sorry.

Gwendolyn said...

Brandon won't be able to be there tonight. He is at theater practice.