Thursday, January 21, 2010

Attendance for January 19.

Amanda Anderson
Amanda Kirby
Ashlee Smith
Ashley Anderson
Austin Wood
Brandon Smith :) (he put one on his name)
Brock Damjanovich (Whitney put "smells weird" next to Brock's name, but I think most
would disagree.)
Camille Knaphus
Chandley Chynoweth
Chase Dixon
Clark Morley
Corinne Cannon
Emma Walker :) (also added this image)
Gilly Olsen!
Haylee Harrell :) (also added this image)
Jenessa Peterson
Krista Burge! (atta girl for adding a ! )
Krystle Jensen
Lance Unwin :) (also added this image)
Linda Peterson
Mal Free :) (abreve and smiley!)
Rachel Owen
Sam Anderson
Samantha Wright
Sara Wilcox
Sierra Maughan
Taylor Staley
Whitney Shurtleff
Zach Johnson

If anybody there was not put on this list let me know! :)
Thanks, Gilly!

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