Tuesday, February 9, 2010

One Step Camp

A big "thank you" to everyone who signed up to help with the One Step Camp on Monday, February 22nd it is going to be great! After reading over the requirements again, I think we need to leave a bit sooner than originally expected. They are asking that the dinner be ready to serve at 6:00 PM. Since the camp is in Park City, and we can't know what the weather will be, we will need to plan to leave at 4:45 PM from City Hall.

Right now, I am the only advisor scheduled to go, so I will need some of you to volunteer to drive. If you are able to drive, please let me know tonight, post it here in the comments, or just give me a call. Thanks!

Okay, here is the list of people signed up:

Sierra Maughan
Lance Unwin
Marie Johnson
Brandon Smith
Sara Wilcox
Clark Morley
Linda Peterson
Krystle Jensen
Ashley Anderson
Shelby Dixon
Whitney Shurtleff
Haylee Harrell
Sam Anderson
Taylor Staley
Krista Burge
Amanda Anderson
Malorie Free
Gilly Olsen
Bryant Woolsey
Joey Wilson
Emma Walker
Chase Dixon

Any questions? Give Gwendolyn a call at 801-414-2992 or 801-255-5251

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