Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Upcoming Events for February and March

At our last meeting we voted on some big changes for DYC, namely capping the size, moving to a calendar year schedule, and appointing the mayor. Here is the timeline events over the next few weeks as we restructure things according to your vote.

Feb. 9: Ballot Petitions-youth are given leadership descriptions and determine which one(s) they would like to apply for.
Gilly and Joey have a leadership activity planned for 30-35 minutes tonight.
Feb. 16: meet AT the Wentworth at 5:45, and come prepared to sing, decorate cookies, do hand massages, chat and reminisce with our friends at the Wentworth for our Third Annual Valentines Event at the Wentworth.
Your Ballot petitions are due to DeLaina by 6:45 on Feb. 16. No late petitions will be accepted.
Feb. 20: (SATURDAY) Mayor candidate interviews
Feb. 22: (MONDAY) One Step Camp Meet at City Hall at 4:45, and see details in previous post.
Feb. 23: (TUESDAY) NO DYC, Mayor interviews potential officers for Mayor Pro Tem, Secretary and PIO/Historian, District Leaders, and organizes other leadership positions.
Mar. 2: Intro new officers/leadership positions/calendar for Mar, Apr, May and summer
Mar 9: ?
Mar 16: Workshop Prep for USU
Mar 18-20: USU Leadership Conference

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