Monday, November 8, 2010

District Updates

Hi everyone! With new members on DYC we have new districts and they are as follows:

Gilly Olsen-
Amanda Anderson

Maddy Anderson

Sam Anderson

Krista Burge

Corinne Cannon

Kaylee Lavery

Linda Peterson-

Brock Damjanovich

Chase Dixon

Malorie Free

Haylee Harrell

Morgan Fox

Amanda Rasmussen

Tyler Richardson-

Zach Johnson

Clark Morley

Hunter Nilson

Carson Adams

Tyler Lewis

Ashlee Smith-

Whitney Shurtleff

Brandon Smith

Kim Taylor

Whitney Tripp

Levi Wilkes

Amanda Kirby-

Emma Walker

Sara Wilcox

Bryant Woolsey

Austin Wood

Whitney Hales

If you have any questions let Samantha Wright know

1 comment:

Gwendolyn said...

Hi Tyler, Zach is no longer on DYC, so you don't need to worry about contacting him. Thanks!
