Friday, November 26, 2010

Last Minute Reminder!

Hey guys! I still haven't heard from these people about the food drive:
Austin Wood
Brock Damjanovich
Bryant Woolsey
Carson Adams
Chase Dixon
Emma Walker
Hunter Nilson
Kayla Atkisson
Kellie Garvin
Krista Burge
Levi Wilks
Morgan Fox
Sam Wright
Sierra Maughan
Tyler Lewis
Tyler Richardson
Whitney Shurtleff
Whitney Tripp
Just let me know how you're doing on this, if you haven't had any luck that's fine, just let me know :) Thanks! Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow (SATURDAY!) Library, 10-12.

1 comment:

Taylor Staley said...

I called Costco to ask them about the food drive and they said that they were sorry but they had to turn me down on that one just because they are not allowed to put stuff like that on private property.