Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Attendance for October 20

Here's the attendance, if you have a question or a problem please let Gilly know! :)

Amanda A.
Amanda K.
Amanda M.
Ashlee S.
Ashley A.
Ashley P.
Austin W.
Brandon S.
Brock D.
Bryant W.
Camille K.
Chandley C.
Chase D.
Clark M.
Corinne C.
Emma W.
Haylee H.
Hunter N.
Jenessa P.
Joey W.
Kimberly T.
Krista B.
Lance U.
Linda P.
Lundy W.
Maddy A.
Malorie F.
Marie J.
Mim R.
Sam A.
Sam W.
Sara W.
Shelby D.
Sierra M.
Stephen C.
Taylor C.
Taylor S.
Tyler R.
Whitney G.
Whitney S.
Whitney T.

If you didn't show up and you are not sure if you were excused or not just ask :) thanks!

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