Thursday, October 22, 2009

October 20th Minutes

Every week I'm going to try to post the minutes of every meeting we have. This is for the benefit of those that missed the activity so they know what we discussed or learned. So make sure you check this out if you ever can't make it!

5:50-6:10 Stephanie Walker, who is in charge of the Haunted Hallows activity, talked about what the council will be doing to help out there. Sign ups went around to everyone.
6:15-6:45 Delaina talked about last years Close-Up trip to Washington D.C. Testimonials were given from the people that went last year and everyone said it was a great learning and fun experience. She talked about how this year we will go to D.C. as well as New York. So she said to be talking to your parents about if its something you're interested in.

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