Thursday, October 22, 2009

Haunted Hallows & Meet the Candidates

Monday the 26th is Haunted Hallows at the Draper Historic Park. Last Tuesday sign ups went around so that everyone would know what activity they were helping with and at what time. Remember one shift was from 5:00-6:30 and the other was from 6:30-8:00. So make sure you come at the time you signed up for! Also if you weren't at DYC last Tuesday so you didn't sign up, but you would like to help out, just come during one of the shifts and I'm sure there will something you can do! Also remember to dress up so you can show your Halloween spirit :)

Then Wednesday the 28th we have our Meet the Candidates Night. We'll be meeting in the lobby of city hall at 6:30. Remember to be dressed nicely so we can represent the council well!

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