Monday, November 8, 2010

Are you interested in leading a project???

We have two immediate opportunities!

We need one youth to work directly with Amy Baird on Christmas in the Heart of Draper. We prefer someone who is familiar with this event. She has most of the night planned, and needs help with organizing the youth and assigning jobs and areas. You would serve as the main point of contact for the event and be responsible for communication. This is one of our four big community events and has high visibility with our residents. It is a great time and a great way to show your leadership abilities.

Also, we need a youth to head up the city wide food drive this year! Leading a project of this size takes organization skills and great follow through. This type of activity looks fantastic on college and scholarship applications and is a great benefit to the community and the Utah Food Bank. Last year we collected over 2,600 lbs of food, which is fantastic for a first year. We hope to have barrells placed in more businesses this year. The main responsibilities will be getting barrells placed, assigning DYC youth to check and collect food, and doing the final weigh-in.

When we look at officer appointments, we look at leadership abilities. If you have successfully run a large DYC event or project, this is considered strongly!

If you are interested in either opportunity, please contact me at 801-414-2992 or just post to the comments in this blog. I am happy to answer any question before you commit.



1 comment:

Samantha Anderson said...

Hey Gwendolyn! I would love to help with Christmas in the Heart of Draper. If you still need my help feel free to contact me 801-573-8059