Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Camp Hobe' - volunteer opportunities

Hello DYC! Since so many of you are involved in service activities outside of our great organization, I thought one of you might be interested in this opportunity. I received the following email and anyone interested in more information, please let me know. I will forward the original with attachments of their brochure and volunteer information. Or, feel free to contact Chris directly:

From: Christina Beckwith []
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 3:09 PM
To: ''
Subject: Volunteer Opportunity - Camp Hobé 2010

Hello, I'm writing to ask for your help. I am the camp director for Camp Hobé, Utah's summer camp for children with cancer and their siblings. We run a 2-week camp program every summer for Utah children who are being treated for cancer as well as their siblings. Our organization is run and staffed almost entirely by volunteers – we need over 100 volunteers each year. Our brochure is attached in case you would like more information about our program.

We are currently recruiting for volunteers for our summer 2010 camp. I've attached a flyer that may be posted and also some information about volunteering. Application forms and job descriptions are available on our website at

Volunteering for Camp Hobé is a great experience for anyone, but especially for students and professionals in Recreation, Outdoor Programs, Health Sciences, Child Life, Social Work, and Nursing programs. Our camp has worked with internship programs in the past so that students can receive college credit if their degree program has a program in place for this.

I was wondering if you'd be willing to forward information about this volunteer opportunity to your students and faculty. I appreciate any help that you can give us. Have a great day! Thank you!


Chris Beckwith (aka Wapiti Mama)

Executive Director
Camp Hobe'

PO Box 520755

Salt Lake City, UT 84152-0755

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Here's the list I have of people who are going to Legislature Day.

Amanda Anderson
Amanda Kirby
Amanda Maylett
Ashlee Smith
Ashley Anderson
Brandon Smith
Brock Damjanovich
Gilly Olsen
Haylee Harrell
Hunter Nilson
Jenessa Peterson
Joey Wilson
Krista Burge
Lance Unwin
Linda Peterson
Malorie Free
Rachel Owen
Sam Anderson
Samantha Wright
Sara Wilcox
Sierra Maughan
Tyler Richardson
Whitney Shurtleff
Zach Johnson

and here are the people attending Utah State:

Amanda Anderson
Amanda Kirby
Amanda Maylett
Ashlee Smith
Ashley Anderson
Brandon Smith
Brock Damjanovich
Bryant Woolsey
Chandley Chynoweth
Clark Morley
Gilly Olsen
Hunter Nilson
Joey Wilson
Kim Taylor
Krista Burge
Lance Unwin
Linda Peterson
Malorie Free
Marie Johnson
Rachel Owen
Samantha Wright
Sara Wilcox
Sierra Maughan
Tyler Richardson
Whitney Shurtleff
Whitney Tripp
Zach Johnson

If you are not on these lists and you are planning on attending, let me AND Joey know TODAY!!!!!!! the end.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

December 15th Attendance :)

Here's the list of people who were there on Tuesday. REMEMBER--- You're Secret-Sub-For-Santa present (get a toy for the person you drew that you think they would want when they were little, and we are donating them to Primary Children's!) and ALSO REMEMBER--- To RSVP Gilly or Joey about Legislature Day (January 27, school excused absence) and USU Conference (March 18-20, school excused on the 19th, the only day we are missing) BY DECEMBER 20TH!!!! Kay? Kay. Here's the role...

Linda Peterson
Clark Morley
Tyler Richardson
Sam Anderson
Haylee Harrell
Ashlee Smith
Amanda Maylett
Gilly Olsen!
Brandon Smith
Austin Wood
Lance Unwin
Krystle Jensen (Her name was listed twice... But she only put it once... The second time her name was spelled incorrectly. Kids these days.)
Amanda Anderson
Malorie Free
Krista Burge
Whitney Shurtleff loves gilly! (is what she signed on the role-- love you too whit!)
Brock DamJanovich
Rachel Owen
Taylor Staley
Sara Wilcox
Chase Dixon
Ashley Parker
Ashley Anderson
Samantha Wright
Chandley Chynoweth
Joey "Mojojoejoe" Wilson
Hunter Nilson
Amanda Kirby
Marie Johnson
Jenessa Peterson

If anyone oddly enough did not get a chance to sign the role, please let me know! :)

Sub for Santa Reminder

Don't forget to buy a present for the name that you chose at the last meeting. They don't have to be wrapped. Remember these presents will be donated to children at Primary Children's Hospital. We will meet at city hall for a quick meeting to exchange gifts on Tuesday at the normal time. Thanks everyone!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sub for Santa

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season so far because Tuesday's activity is a very fun and festive one! We will be doing sub for santa and other holiday activites at city hall at 5:45. It will be a blast so make sure you can come! However if you can't, make sure you let Joey and Gilly know. Hope to see you all there!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Attendance for Road Home

Hey! If I missed anyone that came to the Road Home please let me know! :) If you have questions about your attendances being excused or unexcused ask me (Gilly!) Okay? Thank you!

Amanda Kirby
Amanda Maylett
Ashlee Smith
Ashley Anderson
Bryant Woolsey
Brandon Smith
Clark Morley
Gilly Olsen!
Joey Wilson
Krystle Jensen
Lance Unwin
Linda Peterson
Maddy Anderson
Samantha Wright
Shelby Dixon
Sierra Maughan
Taylor Cutler
Whitney Shurtleff

If you know someone that was there that I didn't post, please don't hesitate to correct it! :) Chances are that they're on the spreadsheet and I missed typing them here--because hate to break it to ya, I'm actually not perfect ;) just joshin'!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Food Drive Drop Off

If you are in charge of checking a food drive barrel then this information is for you! If you have collected food from you barrel you have two options:

option #1- take it to 12773 South 300 East and there is a barn. The side door of the barn is always unlocked so you can drop it off in there.

option #2- bring it to DYC and Brandon will collect it.

Remember to be checking it daily. Thanks for everyone that is helping with the food drive!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Information you NEED to know!

This Tuesday, December 8, half of DYC signed up to go to the Road home downtown. If you are on this list you need to be at City Hall at 5:30 so we can carpool over. We also need people to volunteer to carpool because we don't have enough people driving. So if you are available to drive, or your parents can, let Joey or Gilly know asap! The following people are the ones that signed up for the road home:

Shelby Dixon
Maddy Anderson
Sierra Maughan
Bryant Woolsey
Amanda Kirby
Hunter Nilson
MoJoe the Joey Joe Meister
Whitney Shurtleff
Chase Dixon
Sara Wilcox
Krystle Jensen
Taylor Cutler
Clark Morley
Ashlee Smith
Kimberly Taylor
Whitney Tripp
Amanda Maylett
Linda Peterson
Lance Unwin
Tyler Richardson

If you are not on this list meet at 5:45 AT the Wentworth and be ready to sing Christmas Carols :)

Legislature Day:

Youth Council Day at the Legislature will be Wednesday, January 27th, 2010. We will spend the day at the Capitol, have lunch with our local officials, state leadership and legislators. You must RSVP to Joey or Gilly by December 20th so that we can get everyone registered and paid for.

USU Conference:

Utah State Leadership Conference will be Th-Sat, March 18-20, 2010. As you know, this conference is one of the highlights of the year and is a lot of fun. This year includes workshops, a Jon Schmidt concert, keynote by popular motivational speaker, author of "Puppies for Sale" and contributor to Chicken Soup for the Soul, Dan Clark, banquet, and dance. Youth MUST RSVP to Joey or Gilly by December 20th so that we can register and pay. If you register and are unable to attend, you will be responsible for reimbursing DYC any amount that we cannot get back from USU.

If you are in Canyons School District, these will be excused absences. If you are in a different district, they have typically been excused, and DeLaina is happy to talk to the schools in advance, and make arrangements. Please give your teachers ample notice and plan to work ahead if possible.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Draper Peer Court

Hello! We are beginning the application process for the Draper Peer Court. The Peer Court is an alternative approach to juvenile offences in which youth referred for minor offences are sentenced by a jury of their peers. Applications must be submitted by December 11. Please contact Amanda Maylett or Gwendolyn Smith if you are interested in applying. Thank you!

Monday, November 23, 2009


No DYC tomorrow! Just remember we have Christmas in the Heart of Draper on November 30th so come help with whatever you signed up for. However, if you weren't at the last meeting where sign ups went around, still come because we could use everyone's help. Thanks! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Tuesday's meetings

Just a reminder:

New location: Draper LIBRARY meeting room.

5:15 if you or/and your parents want to find out more information on the Washington DC Trip. Anniki from the Close up program will be there to talk about it.

5:45 regular DYC meeting to organize the Christmas in Heart of Draper.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Washington DC trip

We have someone from the Close Up program coming to talk to the youth council and parents. If you are interested in the going to New York City and/or just Washington DC in June, please have a parent attend to get information. This will be a great time to ask any questions. We are working on some really good fundraiser ideas that could help pay for a lot of the trip.

Meeting time is 5:15pm on Tuesday, November 17th. This is right before the regular meeting. It will be in the Large meeting room at the Draper City Library.

IMPORTANT changes for Tuesday's meeting

We have changed the Location of the meeting next Tuesday, November 17th. We will be meeting in the Large meeting room at the Draper City Library. The room is to the right before before you enter the main library. We will have plenty of chairs and tables. Please no food or drinks.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fun Run & CITHOD

This Saturday, the 14th from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. is the Fun Run. Draper Youth Council is supposed to help out with that, and remember if you come to this extra activity you get more points! If you are available to help out with all or part of the Fun Run contact Joey or Gilly and they will get you more information about it as soon as they know more.

Next Tuesday for our activity we will be talking about Christmas In the Heart of Draper which is coming up on the 30th of this month! So we must plan what activities we will be doing, what we need, and so on. So make sure you come to this so that you know what's going on for CITHOD. So come to city hall on Tuesday at 5:45 for all the details. Make sure to let Joey or Gilly know if you can't come. Thanks!

Attendance for November 10.

Happy Veteran's Day everyone! Thanks for coming yesterday-- if you weren't there you missed a very interesting night. A few heated discussions (please remember, everyone is entitled to their own opinions! Don't judge people for life if they disagree with you on one thing or another!) Good times. If you were at the activity but not on this list just let me know! Thank you! :)

Amaleah Barker
Amanda Anderson
Amanda Kirby
Ashlee Smith! (She added a ! after her name when she signed, and also underlined it but I'm not sure how to do that...)
Austin Wood
Brock Damjanovich
Camille Knaphus :P (Camille added this smiley after she signed her name)
Chase Dixon
Clark Morley
Corinne Cannon
Haylee Harrell! (She also put an ! following her name when she signed)
Hunter Nilson
Jenessa Peterson
Joey Wilson
Kim Taylor
Krista Burge
Lance Unwin
Maddy Anderson
Malorie Free! :) (not only did she put a !, but also added a smiley!)
Marie Johnson
Rachel Owen
Sam Anderson
Shelby Dixon
Taylor Cutler
Taylor Staley
Whitney Gardner

I think that's it! But if I'm wrong, let me know! :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Attendance for Adopt-A-Grandparent

Thanks to everyone that came to the activity at the Wentworth! Here is everyone's names that signed the roll I had:
Marie Johnson
Amanda Kirby
Hunter Nilson
Tyler Richardson
Zach Johnson
Taylor Cutler
Krystle Jensen
Whitney Gardner
Jenessa Peterson
Camille Knaphus
Whitney Shurtleff
Lance Unwin
Corinne Cannon
Samantha Wright
Krista Burge
Shelby Dixon
Ashley Parker
Taylor Staley
Sara Wilcox
Emma Walker
Ashley Anderson
Chandley Chynoweth
Chase Dixon
Sierra Maughan
Ashlee Smith
Mim Rasmussen
Clark Morley
Kylee S.
Linda Peterson
Amanda Maylett
Malorie Free
Kimberly Taylor

If you were there and your name isn't on this list, just leave a comment saying you were there. Thanks!

Next Tuesday

This coming Tuesday our activity is back to the normal time, so it's at city hall at 5:45. It will be super duper fun, so try to make it! Let Joey and Gilly know if you can't come. See you all Tuesday!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Adopt-A-Grandparent on Wednesday

This week our activity is adopt-a-grandparent! I hope you are all so excited because I know I am! But, it's on Wednesday and not Tuesday so make sure you remember that. So we are meeting at the Wentworth (on 7th east across the street from Harmons) on Wednesday at 5:30. We will have such a great time so make sure you come if you can. Let Gilly and Joey know if you can't come.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hey Guys Quick Note.

This is Gilly... My phone is totally dead/broken/I don't know what the heck is wrong with it. So if something comes up and you can't come to Haunted Hallow or Meet the Candidates, call my house phone which is (801)572-9429. Also contact Joey! :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Real Haunted Hallow Assignments

Sorry, I hit enter on the last one and it published it! But just in case you forgot, here is what everyone signed up for and the times.

haunted hallow

Pop & Serve Popcorn (Costumes Welcome!):
1. Tyler Richardson
2. Lance Unwin
3. Austin Wood

Server Witches Brew (Dress like Witch or Minion):
1. Taylor Staley
2. Bryant Woolsey
3. Hunter Nilson
4. Amanda Kirby
5. Joey Wilson

Wandering Greeter, Parade Gatherer, Litter Patrol…(Costume Please!):
1. Maddy Anderson
2. Mim Rasmussem
3. –
4. –
5. –
6. –

Pumpkin Patch (Dress in farm theme):
1. Taylor..
2. Brock
3. Whitney Shurtleff
4. –
5. –
6. –

Face Painting (Costume Welcome!):
1. Ashley Parker
2. Camille Knaphus
3. Lundy Willes
4. Samantha Wright
5. Ashley Anderson

Make & Serve Cotton-Candy (Costume Welcome!):
1. Shelby Dixon
2. Chandley Chynoweth
3. –

Information Booth (Costume Welcome!):
1. Kim Taylor
2. Whitney Trip
First Aid (Costume Welcome!):
1. Marie Johnson 2. -


Pop & Serve Popcorn (Costumes Welcome!):
1. Tyler Richardson
2. Lance Unwin
3. Haylee Harrell
4. Sam Anderson

Server Witches Brew (Dress like Witch or Minion):
1. Whitney Tripp
2. -
2. -
3. -
4. -

Wandering Greeter, Parade Gatherer, Litter Patrol…(Costume Please!):
1. -
2. -
3. –
4. – (Peoples needed)
5. –
6. –
Pumpkin Patch (Dress in farm theme):
1. Clark Morley
2. Gilly Olsen
3. Ashlee Anderson
4. –
5. –
6. –

Face Painting (Costume Welcome!):
1. Malorie Free
2. Amanda Anderson
3. -
4. – (People Needed!)
5. -

Make & Serve Cotton-Candy (Costume Welcome!):
1. Linda Peterson 4. Whitney Shurtleff
2. Amanda Maylett 5. Krista Burge
3. Corinne Cannon

Information Booth (Costume Welcome!):
1. Whitney Gardner
2. Jenessa Peterson

First Aid (Costume Welcome!):
1. Brandon Smith
 2. - 

Also!! New member orientation is on Thursday at six o'clock at city hall. So just come before the Meet the Candidates so we can talk to you for a bit! Thanks!

Haunted Hallows Assignments


Meet the Candidates Night is THURSDAY! not wednesday! I repeat it's THURSDAY at 6:30 at city hall. Sorry about the confusion!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

October 20th Minutes

Every week I'm going to try to post the minutes of every meeting we have. This is for the benefit of those that missed the activity so they know what we discussed or learned. So make sure you check this out if you ever can't make it!

5:50-6:10 Stephanie Walker, who is in charge of the Haunted Hallows activity, talked about what the council will be doing to help out there. Sign ups went around to everyone.
6:15-6:45 Delaina talked about last years Close-Up trip to Washington D.C. Testimonials were given from the people that went last year and everyone said it was a great learning and fun experience. She talked about how this year we will go to D.C. as well as New York. So she said to be talking to your parents about if its something you're interested in.

Haunted Hallows & Meet the Candidates

Monday the 26th is Haunted Hallows at the Draper Historic Park. Last Tuesday sign ups went around so that everyone would know what activity they were helping with and at what time. Remember one shift was from 5:00-6:30 and the other was from 6:30-8:00. So make sure you come at the time you signed up for! Also if you weren't at DYC last Tuesday so you didn't sign up, but you would like to help out, just come during one of the shifts and I'm sure there will something you can do! Also remember to dress up so you can show your Halloween spirit :)

Then Wednesday the 28th we have our Meet the Candidates Night. We'll be meeting in the lobby of city hall at 6:30. Remember to be dressed nicely so we can represent the council well!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Attendance for October 20

Here's the attendance, if you have a question or a problem please let Gilly know! :)

Amanda A.
Amanda K.
Amanda M.
Ashlee S.
Ashley A.
Ashley P.
Austin W.
Brandon S.
Brock D.
Bryant W.
Camille K.
Chandley C.
Chase D.
Clark M.
Corinne C.
Emma W.
Haylee H.
Hunter N.
Jenessa P.
Joey W.
Kimberly T.
Krista B.
Lance U.
Linda P.
Lundy W.
Maddy A.
Malorie F.
Marie J.
Mim R.
Sam A.
Sam W.
Sara W.
Shelby D.
Sierra M.
Stephen C.
Taylor C.
Taylor S.
Tyler R.
Whitney G.
Whitney S.
Whitney T.

If you didn't show up and you are not sure if you were excused or not just ask :) thanks!

Scarecrow Festival Thank you!

I received this from our friends at Westridge Academy. Thank you to those of you who were able to help out at the Scarecrow Festival. You did a great job!

"Hi Gwendolyn, please tell your wonderful youth council thank you for coming and volunteering. What a great group of young men and women, they all did a great job and were very helpful. Thanks for all your support, we couldn't do it without you guys.
Thanks again!

Please make sure you let Mallorie Free know the hours you spent helping at the Scarecrow Festival so you get points for your service.

Thanks again for responding to the opportunity to serve. The youth of DYC are fantastic!


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tuesday's Meeting

This Tuesday we are meeting at 5:45 in the court room to discuss our Haunted Hallows activity, the district leader position, and upcoming activities. Make sure you let Gilly and Joey know if you can't come. Oh, and you can still email me at if you are interested in being a district leader. See you all on Tuesday!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October 13's Attendance

Hey guys thanks for coming last night. Remember if you are interested in a District Leader Position to look at the post below! :)
Here's the list:

Amaleah Barker
Amanda Anderson
Amanda Kirby
Amanda Maylett
Ashlee Smith
Ashley Anderson
Ashley Parker
Austin Wood
Brock DamJanovich
Camille Knaphus
Chandley Chynoweth
Chase Dixon
Corinne Cannon
Emma Walker
Gilly Olsen!
Jenessa Peterson
Kimberly Taylor! (She put a ! on her name when she signed the role--atta girl Kimberlinda)
Linda Peterson
Madeleine Anderson
Malorie Free
Marie Johnson
Sam Anderson
Samantha Wright
Sara Wilcox
Taylor Cutler! (Taylor also put a ! on his name, so I had to include it in this post!)
Taylor Staley
Tyler Richardson
Whitney Gardner
Whitney Shurtleff
Whitney Tripp

Please let Gilly know if there are questions or problems. Thanks!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

District Leader Position

There is an opening for a new district leader. If you would like to apply for this position, email me (Kimberly Taylor) at If you have any questions concerning this position Joey, Gilly, or I would be glad to answer them for you. You have exactly one week to get the email to me. Thanks everyone!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Food Handler's Permit

If you know you have already passed DYC's on-line food handler's permit exam or provided Linda Peterson with your existing permit information, you may ignore this blog post!

For all others, this was sent directly to the email address I have for you and am posting it here to make sure you are aware.

Linda Peterson needs a record of your food handler's permit. This is a requirement for being a member of DYC. If you already have your food handler's permit, please provide a copy to Linda. Otherwise, you will need to take an online exam. The information to do this is below.

I must stress, this is mandatory to complete. While this has been stated previously, with drop-dead dates, I haven't followed-up on it well enough. For this reason, you are being given until Tuesday, October 20th to pass the online exam, no harm, no foul. After this date, anyone without a permit will be put on probation. I don't want to do that, so PLEASE take the exam!

1. go to
2. click on Utah on the giant map of the U.S.
3. click on Salt Lake County and then Draper Youth Council
4. follow the directions on that page :)

The course is 10 dollars and you don't have to do it all in one sitting, you can log on and off whenever you choose. The whole course should take you about an hour and a half. If you take the exam online, don't worry about getting Linda a copy or anything, she just checks online to run a report to see if you've passed the test.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

It is a pleasure serving with each of you!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Attendance Policy

One of your requirements as a member of DYC is consistent attendance to meetings and activities. You may have conflicts (being sick, other activities, unforseen occurrences, etc.)--this policy was made to provide flexibility.

Members are allowed a total of 8 excused absences during the period of June 1st, 2009 through May 30, 2010 or 3 unexcused absences during the same period. If the number of absences exceeds either, you will no longer be a member of the Draper Youth Council.

An excused absence is deifined simply as notifying the DYC Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem in advance that you will not be attending the meeting. This communicationn can be done through a text message, a phone call, an email, or the blog. If this communication occurs after the start of the meeting or activity or doesn't occur at all, the absence is unexcused.

If you have any questions about this policy, ask an advisor or an officer.
Thank You.

Attendance for October 6

If you don't tell Gilly and Joey that you cannot attend BEFORE the meeting, then your absense is UNexcused. When I say tell Gilly and Joey, I mean tell Gilly and Joey. Not your friend, just tell us. Okay? Okay. Here's the attendance....

Amaleah B.
Amanda K.
Amanda M.
Ashlee S.
Ashley A.
Ashley P.
Austin W.
Brandon S.
Brock D.
Bryant W.
Camille K.
Chase D.
Corinne C.
Clark M.
Emma W.
Jenessa P.
Joey W.
Kimberly T.
Krista B.
Krystle J.
Kylee S.
Lance U.
Linda P.
Maddy A.
Marie J.
Mim R.
Rachael O.
Sam A.
Sam W.
Sara W.
Shelby D.
Sierra M.
Stephen C.
Taylor C.
Taylor S.
Tyler R.
Whitney S.
Whitney T.
Zach J.

Any questions or problems let Gilly know! Thank you! :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Getting To Know You Games

Do you ever find yourself at DYC seeing people you didn't even know were on the council? Well not after this Tuesday! October 13th at 5:45 in the courtroom we will be playing get to know you games! Come and get to know more people on DYC. It will be a blast! Let Gilly and Joey know if you can't come so your absence can be excused. Thanks, see you all Tuesday!

Monday, October 5, 2009


Okay. Sorry for those 2 unnecessary ones. THIS is the real deal-- here:

Meet at CITY HALL, COURT ROOM. 5:45.

We are having an introduction to Adopt-A-Grandparent.

Deal? Deal. Make sure you tell Gilly AND Joey if you can't come.

Sorry guys, everyone's been out of town and our communication kinda blew up this weekend. But this post is the most correct of the 12... or 3... Our bad.

Adopt a Grandparent on Tuesday!

Hi Everyone! This Tuesday, tomorrow, we are going to be meeting at the Wentworth for the Adopt a Grandparent activity. Please be there at 5:45 at the Wentworth on 11631 S 700 E (It's across the street, east, of the old Harmon's and Little Ceasar's). It will be fun - see you soon!

Here's the plan (Stan) for Tuesday, October 6.

Meeting at the Wentworth at 5:45 pm for the new Adopt-A-Grandparent Program! It'll be a blast and a half! :) The Wentworth is by the older Harmons. The address is: 11631 S 700 E Draper, UT. If you have any questions about the Wentworth, their phone number is (801) 523-9393. Let Joey and Gilly know if you won't be there so your absence can be excused.

PS: If you have questions about how many excused/unexcused absences you have, ask Gilly! If you text her, make sure it's after 2 pm and before 9 pm. Or just call her home phone! Thanks! :)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 29 Attendance

Hey! Here's the role. Let me know if something's wrong. Remember if you can't come to notify us as soon as possible so you can be excused. PS--Great job Sara! :)

Amaleah Barker!
Amanda Anderson!
Amanda Kirby!
Amanda Maylett!
Ashlee Smith!
Ashley Anderson!
Austin Wood!
Brandon Smith!
Brock Damjanovich.
Bryant Woolsey!
Camille Knaphus!
Chandley Chynoweth!
Chase Dixon!
Corinne Cannon!
Gilly Olsen!!
Haylee Harrell!
Hunter Nilson!
Jenessa Peterson!
Joey Wilson!
Kimberly Taylor!
Krista Burge!
Krystle Jensen!
Linda Peterson!
Malorie Free!
Marie Johnson!
Nicole Montgomery!
Rachael Owen!
Sam Anderson!
Sam Wright!
Sara Wilcox!
Shelby Dixon!
Sierra Maughan!
Stephen Crandall!
Taylor Staley!
Tyler Richardson!
Whitney Gardener!
Whitney Shurtleff!
Whitney Tripp!
Zach Johnson!

Yeah I figured you guys maybe felt left out that your names never got !s... So I so generously gave you !s.
Let me know if there's any problems. Thanks! -- Gilly!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Personality Test

Ok....for all of you that weren't here tonight for the personality test here is a link where you can go to take it....there are a few more questions then what we did at the meeting so if you were there and wanted to take it again you may as well.....don't worry about the coupon thing....this version is completely free...

PRO Sara Wilcox

Friday, September 25, 2009

Personality Tests

This coming Tuesday our activity will be at city hall at 5:45 just like usual. We will all be taking personality tests. It will be a super fun activity so try your hardest to make it! See you all there!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sorry Guys...

My mom accidentally posted that too early so I only got the first people on the list.... Long story. In a nutshell-- here's the complete list. I'm so sorry guys I just about had a heart attck haha....

Amanda A.
Amanda K.
Ashlee S.
Ashley A.
Ashley P.
Austin W.
Brandon S.
Brock Damjanovich (I just had to write out his whole last name... It's too cool for a simple initial!)
Bryant W.
Camille K.
Chandley C.
Chase D.
Clark M.
Corinne C.
Gilly O!
Haylee H.
Jenessa P.
Joey W.
Jordan M.
Krista B.
Krystle J.
Lance U.
Linda P.
Madie A. (How do you spell your first name? I thought it was this for some reason...?)
Marie J.
Rachael O.
Sam A.
Sam W.
Sara W.
Shelby D.
Sierra M.
Taylor C.
Taylor S.
Tyler R.
Whitney G.
Whitney S.
Whitney T.
Zac J.

Kay-- NOW if there's any mistakes let me know :)

I am so so so sorry about that guys! Honest mistake. As Hannah Montana so wisely states, "Nobody's perfect, I gotta work it again and again 'till I get it right..." Yes. She is quite profound. I'm really sorry guys. Any more mistakes let me know!--Gilly!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Attendance for September 22

Howdy! Kay here's who I got... If there's a mistake let me know! :)

Amanda Anderson
Amanda Kirby
Ashlee Smith
Ashley Anderson
Ashley Parker
Gilly Olsen!
Jenessa Peterson
Joey Wilson
Kimberly Taylor
Krystle Jensen
Whitney Gardener
Whitney Shurtleff
Whitney Tripp
Zac Johnson

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Meeting Tuesday

This week our meeting will be at Draper City Hall at 5:45 in the court room. A representative from the Canyon School District will be talking to us about why the districts split, what the process was, etc. We would like everyone to come with a few questions to ask the speaker. So be thinking of questions these next few days. See you all there!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Here are the attendances for the BBQ and the Meet the Candidates Night. (I also have who I saw at the Suncrest Mountain Race, but I we were in shifts... So please let me know if you were there and I didn't put you!) If there are any problems, just comment or let me know another way :)

Meet the Candidates:
Amaleah Barker
Amanda Anderson
Amanda Kirby
Amanda Maylett
Ashlee Smith
Ashley Anderson
Austin Wood
Brandon Smith
Brock Damjanovich
Bryant Woolsey
Chandley Chynoweth
Clark Morley
Corinne Cannon
Emma Walker
Gilly Olsen!
Joey Wilson
Jordan Montano
Kimberly Taylor
Krista Burge
Krystle Jensen
Kylee Simkins
Lance Unwin
Linda Peterson
Madeleine Anderson
Malorie Free
Marie Johnson
Mim Rassmusen
Nicole Montgomery
Rachel Owen
Samantha Wright
Sara Wilcox
Sierra Maughan
Spencer Briggs
Stephen Crandall
Taylor Staley
Tyler Richardson
Whitney Shurtleff
Zac Johnson
Great turn out guys! :)

Amaleah Barker
Amanda Anderson
Amanda Kirby
Amanda Maylett
Ashlee Smith
Ashley Anderson
Ashley Parker
Austin Wood
Brandon Smith
Brock Damjanovich
Bryant Woolsey
Chandley Chynoweth
Chase Dixon
Clark Morley
Corinne Cannon
Emma Walker
Gilly Olsen!
Haylee Harrell
Kylee Simkins
Jenessa Peterson
Joey Wilson
Jordan Montano
Kim Taylor
Krista Burge
Krystle Jensen
Lance Unwin
Linda Peterson
Malorie Free
Marie Johnson
Mim Rassmussen
Rachel Owens
Sam Anderson
Sam Wright
Sara Wilcox
Shelby Dixon
Sierra Maughan
Spencer Briggs
Stephen Crandall
Taylor Staley
Tyler Richardson
Whitney Gardener
Whitney Shurtleff
Whitney Tripp
Zac Johnson
Again, great turn out :)

Please let me know if any of this is wrong! If you were not excused, make sure you're excused next time you're absent!! Deal? Deal. --Gilly! :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

No DYC Meeting

There is no DYC meeting today since we helped with the Suncrest half marathon on Saturday. Enjoy your day off! Our next meeting will be next Tuesday at 5:45 at city hall. See you all there!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Meet the Candidates Night - Part 1

Our first Meet the Candidates Night is tomorrow! Yes it is on a Wednesday not Tuesday! It is at city hall at 6:30. Girls need to wear a skirt or dress, and boys be dressed up with a shirt and tie. We want to look our very best! Make sure to let Joey and Gilly know if you can't come. Hope to see everyone there! (Just for a heads up our Meet the Candidates Night - Part 2 is October 28th)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Change Of Date!!!

Sorry, we have changed the date for our BBQ/ Crime Victim Advocate Night. It will actually be September 1st at 5:00 at Draper Park. They also have asked us to bring 1 or 2 t-shirts so we can decorate them to hang in city hall for our Crime Victim Advocate part of the night. They can be of any size and any one color, just no designs. I hope everyone can still come! Make sure to let Joey and Gilly know if you can't come. Thanks!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Next DYC Meeting!

I hope you are all so excited, because it's just about time for DYC again! There is no meeting tonight, August 18th. Our next activity will be on Tuesday September 8th at 5:45 and it will be our BBQ/ Crime Victim Advocate night. It will be full of food and fun, so you won't want to miss it! Remember to let Joey and Gilly know if you won't be there, so that your absence will be excused. Hope to see you all there!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Better Info on Applications... Sorry About That....

So that link apparently doesn't work, so here's the steps of what to do! --

1) Go to
2) Click on the Residents Tab and scroll down to the Draper City Youth Council, then to the Members’ Guide. It's kinda a novel, but you need to read the whole thing.
3) You’ll find the application and a City Council Report Form that must be completed as part of the application process.

** NOTE: The only available City Council meeting before the August 15th application deadline, is on August 11th, so plan now to attend if you’re going to apply.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

DYC Applications

Applications for DYC are due August 15! So if you know anyone who is interested in joining, the application is at:{CF4D4BB8-1399-4DB1-9C69-13FCA17555E1}

They need to get this soon, because part of applying is attending a Draper City Council meeting. The only one availiable is NEXT TUESDAY, August 11!! So please get on that! :) Please ask any questions you may have! We won't eat ya! ;)

Thank You and Good Luck!


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Attendance for Safety Days

Hey everyone! I was at Safety Days for most of the time and tried to write down all the peoples names that I saw there. I have some of the times people got there and left, but i didn't catch everybody. So if you could look over this list and find your name and the time you came and left just make sure they're correct. If something is done wrong or I don't have the info, just leave a comment and i'll make sure to change it! Thanks!!

Emma 4:30-
Ashely P. 4:30-
Lance 4:00-9:00
Tyler 5:00-
Kim 5:00-8:00
Whitney 4:00-9:00
Clark 5:00-6:30
Brandon 5:00-
Taylor S. 5:00-
Maddie 5:00-
Marie 5:00-9:00
Stevi 5:15-6:30
Amaleah 5:00-
Samantha, not sure when you were there?
Corrine 6:00-9:00

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Meet The Candidate Dates

This year we have two Meet The Candidate Nights. The first one will be on September 9th before the primary election, and the second one will be October 29th before the general election. Just wanted to let you all know ahead of time so that you will all be able to make it!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Draper Days Parade, Saturday, July 18

Meet at 300 E. and Stokes Ave. at 7:00am.

Wear your black DYC shirt and COMFORTABLE shoes!

We will be helping with registering the parade entries, and then we will be marching in the parade towards the end.

We anticipate being done around 10:00am.

Children's Games-Friday, July 17

Meet at 5:30 by the covered pavilion on the northeast side of Draper City Park-it's in a different spot than it was in last year.

Wear your yellow Draper Days T-shirt if you received one. If not, DeLaina will have yours for you at the park.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

One More Thing for Children's Parade Attenders.

If you attended the Children's Parade, and you did not actually speak to me, I probably don't know you were there. Please let me know if you were and you aren't sure if I got the memo or not! You can just comment on this blog or call/text me. Sorry I was painting too many faces (in WAY awesome ways I might add) to notice every single person. I'll do better next time! Promise!
--Gilly Olsen!

Draper Days Activities!

Howdy! I hope everyone is having one spectacular summer vacation!
So I have a list of people who have made some sort of commitment to come to the Draper Days Activities. If not all, some. :) Here it is---

Ashlee Mischele Smith
Brandon Smith
Bryant Woolsey
Chase Dixon
Corinne Cannon
Gilly Olsen
Haylee Harrell
Jenessa Peterson
Joey Wilson
Josh Herricks
Lance Unwin
Nicole Montgomery
Sam Anderson
Spencer Briggs
Taylor Cutler
Taylor Staley
Tyler Richardson
Whitney Gardner
Whitney Shurtleff
Zach Johnson

Please call/text Joey or me if changes (hopefully additions!) need to be made. Friday and Saturday are not mandatory, but one will recieve extra points and extra fun for going! :D
Questions? Like I mentioned... call/text Joey or Gilly. Kay? Kay.
It'll be a blast and a half! Promise!
Thanks guys. --Gilly Olsen!
PS: Gilly's phone is blocked from 9-2 am and pm on weekdays so if you need to get a hold of her then, call her home phone. (801) 572-9429!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Summer Calendar

Hey DYC members! I hope you are all having a great summer so far. I just wanted to make you all aware of a few calendar items.


The Draper Days Parade and Children's Parade are coming up. Look at the post DeLaina put up for more information on this.


Aug. 4th- Safety Days at Draper Park from 5-9. District #1 (Ashlee S.) is in charge.

Aug. 1- Aug. 15- Open Enrollment. We aren't doing a big open house since we just did one not long ago. But if you have friends that want to apply let them know!

Aug. 21st- 22nd- Overnight Sleepover so that the morning of the 22nd we can do a car wash fundraiser (maybe??)


Friday, July 10, 2009

Draper Days Help

Remember that we are staffing three separate activities for Draper this year, and attendance is necessary.

Tuesday, July 14th Children's Parade 5:30-8:30 (see assignment list below)

Friday, July 17th Children's Games at Draper Park 5:30-9:00 (the officers will be contacting you to sign up)

Saturday, July 18th Draper Days Parade 7:00-10:00am (we will be registering parade entries and then marching in the parade ourselves! FUN! The officers will make assignments.)

There are also some *optional* volunteer opportunities for Draper Days. If you want to help out, contact Wendy Wright at (801) 674-9057

Asian Buffet Banquet

Hey DYC members!! Hope your summers been amazing and that your excited to go back to school!! No, i'm so just kidding! Anyway, here are a few pictures from our banquet at Asian Buffet. Sorry it was so late.

PRO Sara Wilcox

Draper Days Children's Parade!

Hi Everyone!

I hope you are having a fun summer! This coming Tuesday, July 14th, is the Children's Parade. For those of you who signed up for specific assignments, here is your reminder:

Face Painting and Decoration Clean-up
Place: Draper Elementary School Field (1080 E 12660 S)
Time: 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Corinne Cannon
Whitney Shurtleff
Kylee Simkins
Clark Morley
Ashlee Smith
Gilly Olsen

Carry Banner at the beginning of Parade
Place: Draper Elementary School Field (1080 E 12660 S)
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Haylee Harrell
Samantha Anderson
Chase Dixon
Joey Wilson
Bryant Woosley
Marie Johnson

Kid Control - Keep Kids safe and away from the vehicle at the front of the parade
Place: Draper Elementary School Field (1080 E. 12660 S.)
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Taylor Cutler
Shelby Dixon
Ashley Anderson
Sam Wright

Pass out Ice Cream and Clean up Park
Place: Draper Historic Park (12625 S 900 E)
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Taylor Staley
Josh Herricks
Lance Unwin
Tyler Richardson
Krystle Jensen
Stephen Crandall
Spencer Briggs
Zach Johnson

I also need!!:
  1. 3-4 people to be stationed at the Old Draper School (12400 S. 900 E.) to redirect people to the Draper Elementary School. The Old Draper School is where the bike decorating has been held for years, but we changed it this year, for safety purposes, to the Draper Elementary School. The Children's Parade has been publicized in some places as still being at the Old Draper School. Maybe some of you that are passing out Ice Cream can come early (5:30 to 6:45) to the Old Draper School.
  2. 1-2 people to be stationed at the water table at Draper Elementary (5:30 to 7:00)
  3. 1 person to introduce the magician
Please let me know, by posting to the blog or emailing me (, if you would be willing to help. If for some reason you signed up for something and can't be there on the 14th I need to know a.s.a.p.!

This is a very fun event - I look forward to seeing you all! Thanks, Lori :)

Monday, June 8, 2009

June 2 Attendance

Howdy! Here's the list of people I have that attended on last Tuesday. If you were there and are not on the list, don't freak out, honest and fixable mistake! :) I'm new to this, and am still getting everyone's names. So don't be offended if you for some reason aren't on here.

Sam Anderson
Spencer Briggs
Corinne Cannon
Stephen Crandall
Taylor Cutler
Chase Dixon
Shelby Dixon
Haylee Harrell
Josh Herricks
Krystle Jensen
Marie Johnson
Zach Johnson
Gilly Olsen!
Ashley Parker
Tyler Richardson
Whitney Shurtleff
Kylee Simkins
Ashlee Smith
Brandon Smith
Taylor Staley
Lance Unwin
Emma Walker
Sara Wilcox
Joey Wilson
Austin Wood

If you have any questions or corrections:
text me-- (801) 815-5507
call me-- same number OR (801) 572-9429
email me-- and (send to both just in case)
If you aren't sure if your absense was excused or not, call/text me. :)
If you need an excused absense in the future, contact me AND Joey Wilson. Again, just in case.

Thanks y'all!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Add an RSS Feed to Your Web Browser

Tonight I told you all that I would post instructions on how to add the Draper Youth Council Blog as an RSS Feed to your web browser. An RSS Feed is used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video. Here's how it works:

1. Go to the Draper Youth Council blog. For this example I'm using Firefox as my browser. Firefox and Explorer are the most common browsers, but the RSS feed works the same in both browsers. Up at the top of your browser there will be an orange icon that looks like this:

2. Find the icon and click on it. In Firefox the icon is in the URL bar:

3. When I click on that icon two options pop up. One says, "Subscribe to Draper Youth Council Rss Feed." Click on that option. When you choose that option this screen comes up:

4. Don't change anything, just click on the SUBSCRIBE NOW button. A little pop-up window will open. There are two options there. One option is to add the feed to your bookmarks (or favorites) menu. The other option is to add the icon to your bookmark toolbar. Either option is fine. If you add it to your menu, you will access the RSS feed through your bookmarks drop down. If you add it to your toolbar, it will show up in your toolbar at the top of your browser. My preference is to add them to my browser toolbar.

5. Choose your option and click on the Add button. If you added the RSS feed to your toolbar, no matter what web site you are on, you will always see your RSS feed at the top of your browser. If you click on the icon it will give you a drop down list of the 25 most recent entries to the blog with the most recent at the top. This makes it easy and reminds you to check for new entries to the blog. You can click on the entries in that drop down list and it will take you directly to that entry in the blog. Easy ... peasy!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Volunteers Needed!

We are looking for a couple of volunteers to do concessions at the Draper City Concert at Historic park. Tonight, Monday, June 1st from 6:30-8:30. Please let Amy know if you can help - or 801-572-8143. Thanks!

Food Handler's Permits

Hi everyone! I'm the new Food Safety Coordinator for DYC this year which means i get to make sure all of you have your food handler's permits by this thursday :)

For those of you (probably most of you) who don't have one yet here's what you do:

2. Click on Utah on the giant map of the U.S.
3. click on Salt Lake County and then Draper Youth Council
4. follow the directions on that page :)

The course is 10 dollars and you don't have to do it all in one sitting, you can log on and off whenever you choose. The whole course should take you about an hour and a half. Don't worry about getting me a copy or anything, I just check online to see if you've passed the test.

For everybody else who already has a food handler's permit, I need a copy of it by next thursday. If you want you can scan it and email it to me at, or give a copy to Clark Morley this tuesday since i won't be able to be there.

Thank y'all so much :) and if you have any questions about anything go ahead and email me or call my cell phone.

-Linda Peterson

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Community Garden this Tuesday

On Tuesday, June 2nd, we are meeting at City Hall at 5:45. After announcements, etc. we will walk over to the Community Garden. Please wear clothes you can get dirty, small gardening shovels for planting or even a big spoon, hoes will be needed for weeding and gloves (if you prefer). It would probably be good to bring a bottle of water to drink, too.

I will bring treats so you definitely want to be there! :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009


We will be holding our awards banquet next Tuesday, May 26th at the Asian Buffet from 5:00 to 6:45. Everyone is invited to be there, new and old members! Please dress up (Sunday dress) . Scholarships will be awarded and other fun awards too. Please note: We will NOT be going to the community garden.

After the banquet all of the old members will be going to City Hall to attend the President's Volunteer Service Awards Ceremony. This starts at 7:00 and is a BIG deal. Representative Greg Hughes will be present the awards and parents are invited. You do not want to miss this!

Washington D.C. Close-up Participants

City Hall 7:00-7:20 (everyone NOT going to DC can be seated in the meeting and someone can come and get the rest of us for the Awards ceremony when it starts. If it starts right at 7:00, we’ll do it afterwards.)

A PARENT must attend the DC meeting to sign paperwork/turn it in!!! (Brandon, Amanda, Sierra, Marie, Katie, Kim, Tyler, Lance, Josh, Madison, Lundy, Whitney, Jenessa, Nicole, Ashley P., Whitney T.)

Thanks for being flexible - this is a busy time of year for us. If you have any questions, please post them to the blog.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Tuesday, May 19th

Meeting will be held at city hall in the courtroom from 5:45 to 6:45.

We will be presenting some new youth chair appointed positions. All those who are interested in these positions can submit their top 3 preferences to be considered. Also we will be presenting a Memorial Day fundraiser opportunity and signing up volunteers. Don't miss out getting to know our new members! You never know what you might learn . . .

Let Brandon or Amanda know if you cannot attend. Remember that if you do not attend and you do not let Brandon or Amanda know before the meeting it will be considered an unexcused absence. Unexcused absences are bad! The first person to post the consequences to unexcused absences on the blog (this entry) will win a candy bar of their choice.

See you on Tuesday!

Monday, May 11, 2009

DYC Does Boondocks!!!

For Tuesday, May 12th, meet at Boondocks at 5:00pm. We'll have pizza, play laser tag, games, and have LOTS of fun. We'll finish up around 7:00pm.

If you can't make it, be sure to contact Amanda or Brandon as soon as possible.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Get to Know All the New Members Tonight!

Hi Everyone!

Tonight we will get to meet our new members and get to know them better! We will be at city hall, 5:45-6:45. Make sure to let Brandon or Amanda know if you won't be able to attend.

Thanks! Lori

Saturday, May 2, 2009

New Officers-Congratulations!!!

Congratulations to all of our new officers, and a big thank you to everyone who took the time to run for office!






We'll be scheduling an officers retreat/orientation soon!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Items for Children in Kenya

Hi Everyone,

Brandon is collecting items to take with him to Kenya. If you are able to supply any of the following please bring them on Tuesday. If they need to be picked up from your home please let either him or myself know and he will come pick them up.



- Children's books
- Blankets
- Soccer balls
- Jerseys
- medical supplies
- maps
- globes
- School Supplies (pencils, paper, pen, scizzors, glue, construction paper, rulers, etc)
- Carnival Supplies (decks of cards, facepaints, bandannas, sharpies, stickers, erasers)
- Basic First Aid Kits

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

You Don't Want to Miss Out on This!

Hi Everyone,
Thank you to everyone who has submitted their service hours for the past year already.
For those who haven't yet, I would like to clarify a few things. This is not a competition where the award only goes to the person with the most hours. While DYC is submitting the hours, the awards are actually from a different, very well recognized organization. Trust me, you want one of these awards!

There are actually two different award types. Group and Individual. DYC, as a group, is hoping to qualify for this special award, and everyone who has done the required number of hours can be counted towards this and will receive special recognition for being a part of the group.

There is also individual awards that can be given if higher levels of service have been completed throughout the year. Everyone who qualifies at the higher levels will get the awards.

BOTH will look great on your college application! Please, please, send in your service hours with DYC, and outside of DYC by tomorrow. You are all awesome, and we would love for everyone to be able to receive these awards!

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Service HoursAwards!

Hi Everyone, including advisors!

I am working on special recognition for the awards banquet based on service hours performed this past year.

This Tuesday, please bring a list of all service hours you have performed for the past year, with DYC and outside of DYC. Please group the hours by type of service. For instance, your list might look something like this:

DYC: 20 hours
American Cancer Society: 10 hours
Grace Lutheran Church: 10 hours

Please have your parents sign it as confirmation. (advisors don't need their parents signature.)

If you have any questions, please let me know. Except, I won't disclose the award, it is a surprise! :)


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Candidates, Campaigns and Election Night!!!

Congratulations to those of you who successfully completed the three steps (ballot petition, scoring guide/attendance records, interview) to be eligible to run for office!

Here are the candidates:

Sam W.





Congratulations are also in order to Brandon Smith who will be appointed as a Board Member to the Draper Community Foundation to represent the Draper Youth Council.

What's next?

ELECTION NIGHT: Tuesday, April 28th 5:45-6:45

Each candidate will be given 2:00 minutes to "campaign" and share why they are the person who can do the best job for the Youth Council. You can do a poster, flyer, treats, etc. Whatever you think will help you.

You can also make phone calls, send e-mails, texts, etc. this week to try to gain support.

The only limitations are to not spend more than $10.00 total and to not go over the time limit. Negative campaigning will not be allowed either-no trashing your opponents.

It will take some time to count the votes, so the results wil be posted on the blog later on, just like in a real election.

If you have questions, post them to the blog!

Quadruple amputee Kyle Maynard, a winning HS wrestler, will make his mixed martial arts debut.

Hey everyone,

I thought you might like to read this article. As you probably remember, Kyle Maynard was the motivational speaker we listened to at Legislature Day. He continues to make his dreams his reality!

Here is the link to the article:

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

DYC Officers Interview Schedule

Tuesday, April 21st

We voted tonight on amending the Officer descriptions and the motion passed unanimously. Nice job tonight everyone! We are thrilled that there is so much interest in running for office this year.

4:30 Amanda
4:40 Brandon
4:50 Kimberly
5:00 Joey
5:10 Sierra
5:20 Malorie
5:30 Lance
5:40 Miriam
5:50 Clark
6:00 Marie
6:10 Gilly, Ashlee
6:20 Jenessa, Krystle
6:30 Sara
6:40 Samantha W.
6:50 Tyler

Monday, April 13, 2009

April 14th OPENHOUSE

1. Wear your DYC shirts!!!
2. Come a little early! 5:30ish...
3. Bring your completed scholarship applications.
4. Make sure you've read the officer descriptions in the previous post.
5. Be ready to vote to make those changes to the officer descriptions.
6. Once we vote tomorrow night, we'll have the Ballot Petitions (officer applications) available to fill out on the spot and turn in so you can run for office. I can't post documents to the blog, so you'll just need to pick them up tomorrow and fill them out.
7. Come happy and be sure to tell any of your awesome friends about it so they can join DYC and have as much fun as YOU!

Youth Officer Descriptions and Application Process

Applications are due Tuesday, April 14th.
Interviews will be scheduled for Tuesday, April 21st.
Campaign speeches and the Election will be Tuesday, April 28th.

Mayor: The Youth Mayor's responsibility is to make sure everything is in order and to present new subjects of discussion to the rest of the Council. He/She is responsible for providing an agenda and confirming that all other Council responsibilities have been accomplished and reported to the advisors.

Mayor Pro Tem: The Mayor Pro Tem acts as Mayor in the Mayor's absence, and he/she will assist the Mayor in performing duties. This person will have the responsibility to ensure that District Leaders are contacted for special meetings or events. Additionally, he/she will record attendance at each meeting or activity. When someone has an unexcused absence, the Mayor Pro Tem will send out an e-mail, (copy the Youth Mayor and all Advisors) letting that person know that they have an unexcused absence.

Secretary: The Secretary will document the proceedings of meetings involving the Mayor and other Officers. The minutes will be read, approved or the appropriate corrections will be made at the following meeting. Approved minutes will be posted on the blog. The Secretary will also be in charge of recognizing birthdays each month.

Public Relations Officer: The Public Relations Officer will be responsible for writing newspaper articles to submit to the Draper City Journal, Draper Paper, South Valley Journal, and other publications as necessary. In addition, the PRO is in charge of member recognition, and community recognition. The PRO is also responsible for documenting the history of the Youth Council's activities, events, and accomplishments for the year by regularly updating the blog and taking pictures at the events.

Draper Community Foundation Board Member: This youth will be an actual Member of the Board on the Draper Community Foundation, which funds Easter, Draper Days and Christmas activities in Draper. He/She will attend all DYC and DCF meetings and report to each one how things are going. He'she will give suggestions to DYC and DCF on how to work together and plan succesful activities. The DCF Board member will report directly to the Events Coordinator advisor. *REQUIREMENT* Since this position will deal with the community events, it is required to have been an officer for a minimum of one year prior to applying for this position.

District Leaders: There will be four DL's who will direct the activities of the other youth in their districts. They will also be in charge of notifying their Districts about our weekly activities, and other events. Under the direction of the Youth Mayor and other officers, the District Leaders will plan and carry out activities over which they are responsible.

All officers with duties to be performed at weekly meetings, MUST find someone to fulfill their responsibilities if they are going to be absent. The Youth Mayor and Advisors must be notified of who will be performing those duties prior to the meeting.

Election Process:
A member interested in running for one of the above offices must fill out an application and turn it in on the second Tuesday of April. After filling out the application, the member interested must meet with the advisors for an interview on the third Tuesday in April. They will fill out a scoring guide that will help determine eligibility to run for office. Elections will be held on the fourth Tuesday in April.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt Assignments!!

Hey Guys! Easter Egg Hunt is THIS SATURDAY!!! BE EXCITED!!! :) So On Tuesday, I came around to assign these jobs to you guys if you don't remember. Here they are:

On Station 1:
(Fundraising with the Lovely Gwendolyn)
-Krystle Jensen
-Jenessa Peterson
-Whitney Gardner
-Tyler Richardson
-Joey Wilson

On Station 2:
(Set up for face painting and bouncy giant thingys; it said the requirement was to be a "strong kid" so I hope you guys have been working out lately)
-Clark Morley
-Brandon Smith
-Nicole Montgomery
-Joey Wilson
-Ashley Parker
-Sierra Maughan

On Station 3:
(Holding signs and making announcements in areas (the requirement was to have a loud voice)
-Tyler Richardson
-Josh Herricks
-Lance Unwin
-Miriam Rasmussen
-Emma Walker
-Sara Wilcox
-Ashlee Michelle Smith
-Gilly LeBron James Olsen

Station 4:
(Face Painting-- sorry guys, but if it's raining, you'll have to do bouncy things. I suggest some weight lifting in the mean time).
-Samantha Wright
-Sam Anderson
-Stevi Udy
-Nicole Montgomery

Station 4 and a half:
(The very respected and most intimidated Easter Bunny costume. Yes, bunny, not mutant horse/buffalo)
-JOSH HERRICKS IS MY HERO TIMES TWELVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I owe you a Jamba or something bro! You're the best! Thanks for volunteering!!!

Station 5:
(Clean up after Easter Egg Hunt, help direct traffic before hand)
-Members of the Draper Youth Council
-Any name listed previously at other stations

** I know some of you told me you had to leave early--no worries. Please don't have nightmares about me giving you swirlies.

ANY QUESTIONS??? Can't be there? Have to come late or leave early? Aren't strong enough for your duty?
Call me at (801) 572-9429 or (801) 815-5507
Or call Natalie, or just reply to this post.

Thanks y'all! --Gilly!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Upcoming Events

MARCH 31st-Job Interview Training 5:45-6:30

MARCH 31st-6:30-6:45 Special Presentation to the youth, by the City Council in Council chambers. Dress nicely and invite your parents!

APRIL 7th-5:45 at the WENTWORTH We'll be assembling Breakfast Bags and Easter Eggs for the Hunt. A few of you will be placing the signs for the Hunt. Bring your friends!

Also bring your applications to run for office if you're interested.

APRIL 11-Easter Egg Hunt 8:30-10:30. Arrive at 7:00, and dress warmly! We'll scatter eggs, mark the circles, put out the Breakfast Bags, place the signs, put up the inflatables etc.

APRIL 1-15 OPEN ENROLLMENT for Draper Youth Council. If you have friends who are interested in joining, have them fill out an application from the Members' Guide at, under the Residents tab.

APRIL 14 DRAPER YOUTH COUNCIL OPENHOUSE at City Hall! Invite your friends to come and learn more about how we serve the community and learn about leadership. Applications will be available as well as displays, DVDs, and refreshments.

Interviews for officers will occur tonight so come prepared! You'll fill out a scoring guide, receive an attendance sheet and be asked questions about the office for which you are declaring your candidacy.

Scholarship applications are also due APRIL 14th! (You have a copy in your binder, or they are available in the Members' Guide at No late applications will be accepted.


APRIL 28-Election Night! Come and hear campaign speeches, discuss your choices with others, and vote for your 2009-2010 Officers!

March 24th Pinwheels for Praise

We enjoy partnering with the Crime Victims Advocates twice a year to raise awareness of child abuse. This Spring's event at the Wentworth was lots of fun! We painted terra cotta pots with words of praise, such as "Good job! Way to go!"

The pots will be "planted" with pinwheels and displayed at Draper City Hall during the month of April to remind people to praise their children and treat them well.

Draper Youth Council Earns FIRST PLACE Award of Excellence!!!

Congratulations to everyone on the Draper Youth Council for all of their hard work planning activities, doing service projects, attending leadership conferences etc. for 2008. We submitted an application documenting our progress last year, and were pleased and ecstatic to be presented with the First Place Award of Excellence at the Annual Association of Youth Councils Conference in Logan, UT March 12-14, 2009.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 24th Service Project

Service Project for March 24th at The Wentworth!!!

Pinwheels of Praise and Prevention will be our theme for April’s Child Abuse Prevention Community Awareness. Draper City Crime Victim Services will be partnering with Draper City Youth Council to create an exhibit for the Draper City Hall lobby. We will be using 101 Ways to Praise a Child as our focus. We will be painting terra cotta pots with encouraging words and “planting” pinwheels inside. The decorated pots and pinwheels will be placed in the lobby for viewing.

Meet at the Wentworth at 5:45pm, parents can pick you up at 6:45
Address: 11631 South 700 East Draper, Utah 84020

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

USU Plans & Packing List

We will meet at City Hall at 3:30pm on Thursday, March 12th so that we have time to load the cars. We will be leaving at 4:00 on the dot, with or without you, so please be there on time!

You will need your Code of Conduct form, your release form, and everything else on the packing list below:
USU Packing List:

1. Clothes
a. Change of clothes for Friday and Saturday (Pants, Jeans, two shirts etc.)
b. Dress clothes (Girls- Skirts, dresses; Guys- Shirt and tie, dress pants)
c. Swimsuit/T-shirt
d. DYC Shirts!
e. Jacket or sweatshirt
f. Coat-it’s a lot colder in Logan than it is here. You don’t want to freeze.
g. Pajamas

2. Shoes
a. Comfortable shoes for Thursday, Friday and Saturday
b. Dress shoes for banquet and dance

3. Personal Items
a. Toothbrush, Toothpaste
b. Deodorant
c. Hair care items
d. Make-up
e. Etc.
f. Cash-we may need to stop for lunch on Saturday, and there may be a need for snack purchases, so bring $25-$30 spending money, and you can also bring some snacks for the trip there

*Please make sure the clothes and swimsuits you bring are MODEST and appropriate for our various activities!

March 10th

Hey everyone!

We will be meeting at 5:45 at CITY HALL tonight, NOT at the Wentworth.

We will be going over the USU presentations, handing out packing lists, Code of Conduct forms, release forms, T-shirts, and prepping the kitty blankets, so it iwll be a BUSY night! Bring scissors if you have fabric scissors available and we'll see you soon!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Public Speaking Speaker Tomorrow Night!

T-Shirt Sizes

I need everyone to email me their t-shirt size - I am getting ready to order these so I need them ASAP!

Tomorrow Night at DYC

I have invited a special guest to speak to us on the subject of Public Speaking. It's going to be really good, so make sure you're not late. Again, let Amanda or Brandon know if you won't be there!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

March Calendar

Mar. 3-Professional Speaking Workshop (L, Gilly)

Mar. 10-(At the Wentworth) Loose ends for USU, Easter, cut kitty blankets, practice presentation, hand out T-shirts, packing list, itinerary etc.

Mar. 12-4:00 Meet at City Hall to drive to USU-Mar. 14 Return to City Hall between 12:00 and 2:00

Mar. 17-NO DYC we will have had a nice long weekend together. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Mar. 24-Reading to the Blind (D, L)

Mar. 31-Job Applications and Interviews (G)

Get Ready for Tonight!

Hi Everyone!

Tonight we will be talking about fundraisers for the Easter Egg Hunt, t-shirts (I have a design to show you. If you designed something - bring it and we can all decide what we want to use), and our service project/presentation at Utah State. As usual, let Amanda, Brandon know or post to the blog if you can't attend tonight.

Looking forward to seeing you all! Lori

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tonight! Planning USU Presentation and Poster

Hi Everyone!

I'm changing the order of things on the calendar a bit. I have someone coming on March 3rd to give us a presentation on public speaking. So tonight we are going to be working on our USU presentation and coming up with ideas for our poster. Next week we will be planning the Easter Egg hunt and fundraising event.

So for tonight, come to City Hall (5:45-6:45) with lots of ideas for the USU Leadership Conference!

Thanks! Lori

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

DC Trip Info

Payment Schedule-pay online at, by the payment deadline.

Jan. 15 $100.00
Feb. 21 $287.25 **
Mar. 16 $287.25**
Apr. 5 $287.25**
May 1 $287.25**
May 25 $airfare balance due +/-$400*

June 7th Depart SLC airport, hopefully on a Delta flight, to Reagan National to arrive around 3:00pm to allow enough time to get to our hotel by 5:30. We will return late on Friday, June 12th.

*If you are using frequent flyer miles, I need to know ASAP so I can purchase the correct number of tickets. Check the list below and e-mail me at if you are on the Don’t Know Yet list. Let me know whether you’re using FF miles or not.

Using FF miles:
Tyler R.
Joanne R.
Whitney T.
Ashley P.
Amanda M.
Shanna M.

NOT using FF miles:
Madison C.
Kim T.
Katie T.
Whitney G.
Jenessa P.
Sierra M.
Stefan B.
Marie J.
Nicole M.
DeLaina T.
Lundy W.
Lance U.
Josh H.

Providing own travel:
Brandon S.
Gwendolyn S.

**Adult prices are higher than youth prices, so Shanna and Joanne, add $100 to the Feb, Mar, Apr payments, and $50 to the first May payment.

Call DeLaina if you have questions at 495.9559

Homework---Earn Points!!!

Your homework assignment for the week of Feb. 10-17 is to log on to the blog, and post a comment on any of the posts to verify that you know how to access the blog. You will earn five points after leaving a comment, and there will also be opportunities to earn even more points by answering questions about Legislature Day. The blog is one of our primary forms of communication, so it is important that you check it every week.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February Calendar


3rd C – City Ordinance/Resolution Proposal (G Clark), Cookies Decorated (L Joey)
10th S - Valentines at Wentworth (D-this has been scheduled, Lance)
17th L – Prepare for USU presentation and poster (L)
24th S - Easter Egg Hunt Prep/USU Pres. (N, L)

DYC Tonight-Cookies and Ordinances

Tonight for DYC we will be partnering with the Draper City PD to look at some city ordinances that could use some changing so that we can make Draper a safer, better place to live!

We will also be decorating Valentines Cookies to take to The Wentworth next week. This was one of our best activities last year and we are thrilled to repeat it!

Please let Lance know if you need to be back at City Hall by 6:45 next Tuesday, Feb. 10th, or if you can stay a little later and return at 7:15.

DC Trip Youth--I need to know ASAP if you are arranging your own airfare with frequent flyer miles etc. I'll be purchasing the tickets in the next week or so. Please get back to me ASAP.

The next payment will be $287.25 and will be due on Feb. 21

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Holly Brown, We Love You!

Here's a big shout out to Holly Brown, and her phenomenal presentation on January 13th on how to be a proactive leader. I have found myself pausing and choosing to NOT react to certain situations, and by giving myself that space, I have been feeling more proactive than reactive.

The other thing I really loved was the list of life goals she had us make. Tack those up in your rooms and don't stop succeeding until you reach them all!

Legislature Fun

Yesterday we had a great time at Legislature Day. It was an early morning, starting at 6:00. We checked in and then attended the Law Enforcement House Committee. Three bills were discussed and two were sent on to the House of Reps to vote on them. If the House of Reps approves them- where do the bills go from there? First one to post the answer wins (no prize - just the satisfaction that you knew the answer)!

We heard three speakers, Brett Latimer, Kyle Maynard and Dr. Joseph Ellis. 5 points to the first three people who can post to the rest of us what each of the speeches focused on - a bit of the details please.

Our Legislator, Greg Hughes, was a most gracious host and gave us a fun tour of the capitol and then sat with us for a while answering questions. I enjoyed the presentation and hope you did too!

Thanks to everyone who came! It was a great day!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Legislature Day is tomorrow!!! Jan. 28th

Dress warmly!

Wear nice clothes!

If you aren't at City Hall by 6:15 we will leave without you unless you call and let us know-299.1978 will work.

If you committed to attend and for some reason are not able to make it, you can mail your $40 check to DYC 1020 E. Pioneer Rd. because your registration fee has already been paid for!

If your parents wrote a letter of support for the Youth Council, bring it with you!

If YOU have a letter of support, bring it with you!

If you don't have a letter, you'll have time during the commute to write one!

We plan to be back between 4:15 and 4:45 but will make cell phones available so you can let your parents know specifically when they can pick you up from City Hall.

This is going to be FUN!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2008 Year in Review

Look at all the fabulous things you have done in 2008! Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Legislature Day

Here is the itinerary for Legislature Day. It's coming up next week! January 28th.

6:00 am Meet at City Hall

6:15 Depart City Hall

7:00 Arrive at Conference Center

7:15 Arrive at Capitol for Registration

7:30-9:30 Morning meetings (watch committee meetings)

10-12 House session begins-watch from the gallery

12:15 Lunch at the Sheraton Center

w/Governor Huntsman, Rep. Greg Hughes, Sen. Howard Stephenson,

Councilman Jeff Stenquist, Mayor Darrell Smith, City Manager Layne Long

2:00 Back to the Capitol for a VIP Tour w/Rep. Greg Hughes

3:30 Return to Draper

4:30 parents pick up youth from City Hall


Girls-slacks, blouse, no jeans if possible, but skirt not necessary.

Boys-slacks, nice shirt, tie optional. No jeans, no T-shirts.

Eat breakfast before you leave home, or bring a snack with you. Lunch is provided, and you’ll be home in time for dinner.

Cell phones are okay, but no texting, talking or messaging will be allowed during the event.

No ipods please.

The registration was sent it a week and a half ago and we are all good to go for Legislature Day.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Meeting tomorrow at 4:15 PM !

We have rescheduled the tour of Primary Children's Hospital for tomorrow. In an effort to get everyone back for their other Tuesday night commitments at 7:00, we have bumped up the meeting.

We will bring the fleece blankets you made, along with a bunch of toys donated through the holiday season by friends. It should be a great event. To arrive on-time for our tour at 5:00pm, we will need to leave at 4:30pm sharp, so please plan to be at Draper City Hall no later than 4:15 pm. Our tour lasts until 5:45, so you should be back by 6:30 at the latest.

This is a mandatory meeting, so as always, if you are unable to attend please let Amanda or Brandon know. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January Calendar

We have a lot of fun activities coming up over the next couple of months!

January 13-Covey Presentation by Holly Brown, City Hall 5:45-6:45

January 20-We'll try delivering our blankets and toys to the U again, but earlier in the day so that it doesn't interfere with your evening activities. Stay tuned for exact details.

January 27-NO DYC

January 28-Legislature Day:
We'll be meeting at City Hall around 6:30 so we can get to the Capitol and get a parking spot. Thousands of youth and elected officials from all over the state flock to the Capitol for this event. We should be back by 3:00 or 4:00 at the latest, depending on what kind of individual tours we can set up with our Reps and Senators.

Be sure to make arrangements with your teachers to do your schoolwork ahead of time so you don't get behind. If you need help getting an excused absence for this event, let DeLaina know.

Coming soon: Utah State University Leadership Conference March 12-14...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Primary Children's Hospital

I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and are rested and ready to serve! Tomorrow we are scheduled to take a tour of Primary Children's Hospital. We will bring the fleece blankets you made, along with a bunch of toys donated through the holiday season by friends. It should be a great event.

To arrive on-time for our tour at 6:00pm, we will need to leave at 5:30pm sharp, so please plan to be at Draper City Hall no later than 5:20pm. Our tour lasts until 6:45, so you should be back by 7:30 at the latest.

As always, if you are unable to attend please let Amanda or Brandon know.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
